Page 182 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 182
This seems to us very much in the spirit of In a future in which there will almost certainly
building H taken further, inspired by Foster’s be fewer ‘live’ international conferences,
La Punt. One reason why university campus life ensuring the human, personal nature of such
can be so creative and fulfilling is the chance events becomes even more important. This
encounters, the discussions over breakfast, the makes ‘hub experiences’ of this kind even
chats while walking from one site to another, more precious, to maximize the cooperation
the human-ness of mundane encounters. that comes through bonding and trust. It is my
Foster’s design allows for this kind of human profound hope that Lord Foster will read this
interaction – suppose a similar palace could article and add his thoughts for this perhaps
be inaugurated one day near Geneva? give his insight to it, or who knows – will even
reconsider to make such a project for us, for
Easily reachable from Geneva we have International Geneva.
Martigny, or Montana/Aminona, or the Brig
area with the Aletsch Glacier – where, in
addition to being a “third place” it could be
used to raise awareness of climate change. Such
a “Palais International” hub could be used by With our thanks to the Foundation Sir Norman
us all and the whole of Geneva International. Foster and Partners Ltd (Foster & Partners
Permanent Missions, or NGOs having special Ltd) for providing us with the La Punt renders
events, or private enterprises and even banks for this article. All renders copyright Foster &
– could use this as their “third place” where Partners Ltd, courtesy use for Diva International
they can work, rest, realize joint projects, Diplomat magazine.
discuss and debate. More,
it can be a place where all
these bodies could live
and work together jointly,
ambassadors and clerks,
governmental delegates
and citizens, nationals and
internationals. Geneva
International needs to
have such a city-hub, a
palace of inspiration and
Tél : 022 731 61 77 • Rue des Alpes • 18 Genève retreat, giving distance
and tranquillity to allow
truly creative work.
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h