Page 186 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 186


               Swiss hike of “four springs” - the sources of  horse-drawn carriage like in the days of the
               four  major  European  rivers:  the  Ticino,  the  famous 19  century Gotthard Post. Only on
 “here you have the first soul that crosses the   Reuss, the Rhine and the Rhone.  this route can you feel the heart and the soul
 bridge!”. Full of anger, the Devil tore the billy    of the Confederation, its cradle, its birthplace,
 goat apart and found a huge stone to destroy   The birth of tunnels. Foot traffic has used this  its main vital artery. Furthermore, if you take
 the bridge again. However, an elderly woman   pass since 1200, and the first carriage crossed  the southern side from the Pass, you will have
 passed by, recognized him and carved a cross   July 1940, with most of Europe at war, neutral   in 1775. Less than a century later, after decades  the privilege of travelling through time on a
 into the stone. When the Devil saw this, he   Switzerland implemented a defensive strategy   of debate over routes and costs, work began  nostalgic and a fascinating paved road called
 missed his target and the stone landed in the   based on mountains, especially the Gotthard.   on a rail tunnel beneath the pass. Over seven  Tremola.
 valley below, not far from Göschenen where it   Passages, tunnels, redoubts and bunkers were   years  and  277  lives  later,  the  tunnels  which
 has been lying ever since and is known as the   dug  out  of  the  mountain,  many  of  which   had  begun  simultaneously  from  Göschenen  Tremola. Tremola is a marvel. This serpentine
 “Devil’s Stone”. Today the image of the Devil   remain  today.  One  such  Swiss  army  hidden   and Airolo met midway on February 29, 1880.  cobbled  road  -  with  24  hairpin  bends,  each
 from  this  legend  can  be  seen  at  the  tunnel   artillery  fortification,  considered  top  secret   The first trains ran through the 15km tunnel  of  which  has  its  -own  name  –  connects  the
 entrance.  until a few years ago, is now open to the public   in 1882. This line is still a vital north–south  Gothard  Pass  to  Airolo  through  the  Val
 as  part  of  the  Sasso  San  Gottardo  Museum.   artery,  at  peak  times  carrying  an  average  Tremolo  (Valley  of  Trembling).  This  is  an
 Suworow -Denkmal and related memorials.   On the underground Metro des Sasso you can   of  one  train  every  six  minutes:  five  million  unforgettable journey through time, whether
 The Devil’s bridge is a historical and legendary   travel through the fortification and learn its   passengers  and  25  million  tonnes  of  freight  you  are  driving,  biking  or  even  taking  a
 place  as  it  was  an  obligatory  route  for  all   history. Currently closed for renovation, this   carried each year. The Gotthard road tunnel  horseride  over  this  historic  road,  literally
 travellers.    It  has  witnessed  many  events  of   unique, deep underground museum will open   was  completed  in  1980  after  eleven  years  of  “trembling” on the narrow cobblestone path.
 historical  significance,  as  well  as  furious   again  in  June  this  year.  Another  museum,   construction.  It  is,  at  16.3km,  the  longest  In just four kilometres this tortuous road takes
 battles,  most  significantly  that  led  by  the   the National St. Gotthard, is also situated at   road tunnel in the world, and although prone  you via spectacular twists
 Russian  Generalissimo  Suworow,  who  along   the height of the pass. This 1834 building is   to  hideous  kilometres-long  jams  at  least  it  and turns to an altitude
 with the Austrians defeated the French here   dedicated to the economic, strategic, political   remains open all year while the pass above is  difference of 300 metres.
 in  1799.  A  huge  commemorative  memorial   and cultural impact of this pass.  blocked in winter. Another tunnel is expected  It  is  part  of  the  first
 is  chiselled  into  the  rock  just  opposite  the   to be built by 2030. The tunnels changed the  carriage  road  through
 Devil’s  bridge  overlooking  the  Schöllenen   Another historical monument in the pass is   view  and  approaches  to  the  Gotthard  Pass  the  Gotthard  and  was
 Ravine, with another monument to Suworow   dedicated to the famous Swiss aviator Guex,   itself,  simplifying  movement  there.  Taking  built  between  1828  and
 erected on top of the Gothard Pass itself. This   who  died  for  the  motherland  in  the  Alpine   the  tunnels  saves  journey  time,  but  misses  1832  by  the  engineer
 symbolizes  the  crossing  of  the  Alps  in  his   region  of  the  Gotthard.  This  was  built  in   something  much  more  significant.  The  path  from  Ticino  Francesco,
 campaign,  and  two  museums  in  his  honour   1928 by Fausto Agnelli, as was the previously   through the Schöllenen Ravine and the barren  Moschini,  to  replace
 – the Talmuseum Ursern in Andermatt and   mentioned monument to Marshall Suworow.   Urseren Valley up to the Pass Heights can be  the  prior  mule  track.
 Suworow museum in Altdorf – are dedicated   There  is  also  a  historic  hospice:  Ospizio   taken on foot, in a nostalgic PostBus, or in a  The total distance of the
 to these historical events.   San  Gottardo,  originally  built  in  1237  and   climb from Airolo to the
 preserved  by  European  Heritage.  It  was          Gothard  Hospice  is  13

 St  Gothard  is  a  Military  Fortress.  The   recently renovated by the architects Miller &   km,  almost  all  cobbles,
 Gotthard  Pass  is  also  a  military  fortress.  In   Maranta in a perfect fusion between antique   with  900  metres  of
 and modern. You can stay here to be inspired,
 just like Goethe, the Count of Cavour, Honoré        altitude gain. The whole
     Alexander Suworow was a Russian Command-  de  Balzac  and  Petrarch,  all  of  whom  have   climb  is  very  popular
 er in service of the Russian Empire. He was Count    with cyclists, who call it
 of  Rymnik,  Count  of  the  Holy  Roman  Empire,   rooms  dedicated  to  them.  Those  fond  of   “the little “Paris-Roubaix
 Prince of the Kingdom of Sardinia, Prince of the   hiking can do the challenging five-hour hike   of  the  Swiss  Alps”.  It
 Russian Empire and the last Generalissimo of the   past the seven St. Gotthard lakes at the top of
 Russian Empire.  the pass. St. Gothard is also a part of a bigger   is  like  an  incredible
                                                      porphyry snake, climbing

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