Page 179 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 179

international                                         international

 leafing through the pages of the archives  “As the head of the UN Office at Geneva I am ready to open   humanitarian know-how and this  knowledge is its power”.
                                                               “Geneva is a repository of political, economic, social and
                the floors of the Palais des Nations to encourage common
                  intellectual and cultural undertakings in Geneva and
           Geneva International –  to stimulate the exchange of ideas between the United   “If in the cold war  Geneva was well known for its spirit,
 through the decade that led to the Swiss referendum (1993-2002)  Nations and the people of Geneva”.   the power of the present-day Geneva is its knowledge,
                                                                which is the basis of wisdom in politics and diplomacy”.
                 “Geneva reflects all the activities of the United Nations   “Geneva International which has enjoyed a unique
 After a successful referendum twenty years ago, Switzerland   “Geneva International: Triangle of peace-building   directed at the creation of a new global society capable of   reputation for its tolerance, humanitarianism and
 became the 190  UN member State . Geneva Canton led   and crisis prevention, a three-dimensional centre for   providing the rule of law, the protection of human rights   democratic pluralism since the Middle Ages”.
 the favourable vote with 66.7%, in contrast to only 33.7%   conference diplomacy, operations and political know how.  and the solution of conflict by peaceful means”.
 in favour in 1986 . Of course, there were many politicians     “Through international cooperation in action, Geneva
 and diplomats working behind the scenes to achieve such a   “Geneva is one of the few crucial centres for interaction   “In the best tradition of the City of Calvin as the birthplace   greatly improves the quality of peoples’ daily lives
 positive result in so short a period – only 15 years divided   between global and regional structures”  of international humanitarian activity, nowadays, all the   throughout the world in often unpublicized but concrete
 the two referenda. They worked tirelessly with conviction   major work of the UN in human rights and humanitarian   ways. This is the major source of inspiration for all of us
 and  devotion  to  bring  about  this  tremendous  victory.   “International Geneva, Geneva of multilateral diplomacy,   operations is undertaken in Geneva”.  - international civil servants - working in Geneva”.
 Undoubtedly,  Geneva  International  played  an  important   is deeply rooted in a past that explains the present and
 role as well. The “Geneva International” concept, formulated   augurs well for the future”.  “In diplomatic terms, Geneva is not only an established   “Geneva provides a perfect  infrastructure for the
 in 1993 by the Director-General of UNOG, increased the   centre of international activities, but is, in fact, the symbol   cooperation  between the classical, traditional
 visibility of Geneva. It strengthened its role as the capital   “Geneva International has enjoyed a unique reputation for   of multilateral diplomacy”.  international organizations and the new actors in
 of  multilateralism  and  diplomacy,  of  dialogue  and  Pax   its tolerance, humanitarianism and democratic pluralism   emotional activities including: the parliamentarians, local
 Universalis,  of  tolerance  and  openness,  humanitarianism   since the Middle Ages”.   “Within this international structure, Geneva has its own   authorities,  business community, religious bodies and civil
 and human security. Of course, this would not have been   handwriting. Whilst New York is the major decision-  society in all aspects”.
 possible  without  the  support  of  Secretaries-General   “History of Geneva dating back to Calvin testifies that “the   making centre, Geneva is the major operational
 Boutros Boutros-Ghali and Kofi Annan, as well as the many   spirit of Geneva is a spirit of openness which enables it   headquarters. Up to 65 per cent of all the activities of the   “It is clear that Geneva, a crossroads of multiculturalism
 diplomats  who  worked  tirelessly  for  Geneva.  Below  are   to spill into the world”, a spirit of responsibility, freedom,   Organization are conducted from Geneva, many of the   and an international center of global authority, in new
 quotes to show the atmosphere during the decade preceding   charity and humanism, contributing to harmony among   operations extending to all regions of the world”.  post-Cold War political environment is fast becoming a
 the referendum. Most of these ideas, formulated more than   nations”.  city which both reflects and connects global diversity”.
 three decades ago , are living today or have been reinforced   “Geneva is becoming evermore important as а venue
 over the years. Let us revisit some of them:  “Geneva can help the international community to build   for conferences and negotiations, an operational centre   “Geneva involvement in security matters in conjunction
 a bridge between the twentieth century and the next   for peace-building, disarmament, economic and social   with its tradition of humanitarianism make it the
 “Geneva - Europolis of Pax UN”.    millennium - a bridge leading to a new world free from   development, and the protection of human rights”.  international capital of human security, which includes
 ideological confrontations, where the eternal ideals of        the security of individual human beings, not only from
 “Though it is European based, Geneva is not   freedom, progress, social justice and peace could be   “The traditional spirit of Geneva - the spirit of openness,   war and violence, but also from hunger, disease and
 Eurocentristic, it is Global”.  achieved in the conditions of democracy”.  responsibility, and humanism”.  environmental  degradation”.

 “Geneva is a bridge between people and civilizations”.  “Geneva is a unique international centre of diplomatic and   “It is tremendously important that Geneva be one united   “Contemplating the future role of Geneva International we
 legal knowhow which goes back to well before the time of   community.  The division between la rive gauche and la   need to take into account, that for the first time in history,
 “Geneva is a natural habitat of multilateral diplomacy”.   the League of Nations”.  rive droite should only be a matter of geography, without   all humankind is inter-linked by information highway,
                any other implication. This is the spirit of Geneva, a city   economic links and environmental concerns. Issues
 “Geneva - the symbol of multilateralism with its “spirit of   “From Geneva, ideas of peace, justice and progress spread   which has become not just one of the major centres   are global by their nature and multilateral cooperation
 openness”.  throughout the world. The experiment in international   of multilateral diplomacy but which also enriched   is no longer an option but a necessity for a peaceful and
 relations, of which Geneva is the scene, concerns every   international activities with its traditions such as tolerance   prosperous global society”.
    The popular referendum took place on 3 March 2002 and   human being. Geneva represents a tremendous investment   and respect for others, and with the heritage of the great   “As you are well aware in Geneva, dialogue is a basic
                  thinkers who lived in Geneva.  The Swiss tradition of
 resulted in 54,6% in favour of the accession.   by the human race for its own survival”.
 2  In 2002 Geneva had the highest percentage of favourable   democracy and equality in relations between different   function not just of international diplomacy but of every
 votes among the  3 cantons that voted in favour of the Swiss   “The city of Geneva is one of the largest European centres   groups of population is very important for the diplomatic   society the world over. Dialogue among the Civilizations is
 accession.  Source :  Le  Conseil  fédéral/Chancellerie  fédé-  of international interactions. This happened because of the   community. We want to further advance these traditions   the new trademark of Geneva in the network age”.
 rale/Droits  politiques/Votations  spirit of openness, responsibility, freedom, and humanism   and create new conditions wherein Geneva could
 ch/f/pore/va/ 98603 6/can338.html  ( 986),  https://www.  strengthen its position as the Europolis of the United   “The future of Geneva as the capital of internationalism (2002).  which is so common among the people of Geneva and   Nations”.  is bright. I will act personally in order to contribute to it”.
 3  From the memory book “V.Petrovsky:  00 Reflections that   which has allowed this city to win a worldwide recognition”.  (Vladimir Petrovsky, Director-General of UNOG 1993-2002)
 Crafted Geneva International – Bringing the Concept to Life”,
 under preparation by Evelina Rioukhina, based on the pri-  “Humanitarian affairs have traditionally been considered as
 vate family archives, planned for publication late 2022/early   one of Geneva’s area of expertise due to the synergy of various
 2023.            leading humanitarian organizations based in this city”.


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