Page 175 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 175

international                                         international

 technologies be there. Many of them can be abused, and  North.  It’s  working  very  well.  We  are  now  emerging   The  Portail  des  Nations  is  a  wonderful  gift
 not all of them are consistently put to good use. There has  from  our  start-up  phase.  The  Swiss  government  have   from the Fondation pour Genève, and Mr. Ivan
 to be some sort of governance that is globally accepted  just  announced  a  couple  of  weeks  ago  that  they  are   Pictet, given to the United Nations, that will
 and not just greed that determines what kind of science  extending our lifespan by 10 years, and they are tripling   provide the United Nations in Geneva and the
 and  technology  we  get,  where  it  is  going  to  be  used  their financial contribution, which is quite a gratifying   United Nations system overall with a gateway
 and deployed. Just as important, it has to be accessible  validation.  and a place where we can tell visitors about
 to everybody on this planet, not only the people in the   the work and activities of the United Nations,
 Global North.  How many people are working in the initiative?  what it is all about and what it doesand will
 We are very small right now, altogether 12 persons, and   do  in their lives. Each individual who walks
 That takes about 60 percent of my time, and I’m also on  we’ll  expand  now  that  we  are  established,  but  not  too   in  the  door  will  understand  the  importance
 the board of quite a number of foundations including the  much. We are not aiming to be a very big organization.   in  their  personal  lives  of  what  the  United
 Kofi Annan Foundation, which is working very well. I’m  Once we have the solutions, others will implement them   Nations  is  doing,  not  only  the  secretariat
 on a number of foundations that are focusing on young  in the countries, in the member states. We are working   but  the  other  parts  of  the  organization.  It
 people, something I enjoy a lot. Then I’m asked to speak  hard  to  become  a  networked  organization,  creating   will increase the capacity and the number of
 here and there, so I have pretty busy seven- to eight-hour  partnerships. There is no point in re-inventing wheels   visitors  that  can  be  accommodated  on  the  “What we need is a much greater will,
 days that I’m used to.  that are perfectly functioning out there. This is also very   United  Nations  grounds.  It  will  be  a  place   not only political, but also individual.”
 much part of our approach.  for educational activities for school children.
 Never a dull moment?  There  will  be  spaces  where  they  can  have  So  that  collaboration  could  be  strengthened
 First of all, I do not think I have ever had a dull moment.  In today’s world, I’m convinced that organizations big or   lectures. It will also be a space for temporary  through the logic of multilateralism.
 I  cannot  see  myself  sitting  at  home  just  reading  the  small will not succeed unless they network and partner.   and  permanent  exhibitions  of  things  we  do
 newspapers.  I  need  to  do  something,  and  for  me  the  The  existential  problems  that  we  are  facing  are  such   and  different  initiatives  around  the  world.  If you want to maintain International Geneva
 word “retirement” has kind of evaporated along the way.  that unless we work together in ways we never worked   I  think  it’s  a  wonderful  opportunity  for  the  as the go to place, as the city on this planet
 together before, I do not think we’ll make it. Our children   United Nations. It happened to be presented  that has the strongest international ecosystem,
 Going back to the Science and Diplomacy Initiative. Are  and  grand-children  might  not,  and  certainly  not  with   under my Director-Generalship and I signed  you  need  to  constantly  make  sure  that  the
 you open for people?  the level of well-being that our generation has benefitted   with  the  donors  the  agreements  and  set  up  environment  in  which  this  ecosystem  is
 People  who  are  interested  in  our  work  should  have  a  from. So, we must work together.  discussions. All this is moving forward now,  situated is as optimized as possible.
 look on our website, which is In there   and I think they will start building in the next
 you will see one of our first products, something we call  The collaborative gene, if you will, is developing well. Part   couple of months.  Finally, if you have a message to our readers.
 the “Science Breakthrough Radar”, which is a document  of the inputs for that are the Sustainable Development   What would that be?
 written by over 500 scientists predicting what is going to  Goals (SDGs). With the complexity of the problems and   Looking back and based upon your experience,  I think one big transversal message becoming
 happen over the next 5, 10, 25 years in the four areas of  the complexity of the solutions needed to be applied, we   what  should  be  done  to  strengthen  Geneva  more and more acute as we move towards a
 science that we work on. These four areas are quantum  need a seriously increased level of collaboration and an   right now?  new  type  of  multilateralism  is  that  the  one
 and general artificial intelligence; human augmentation;  integrated approach.  International Geneva is like a flower. You have  that  the  system  that  has  done  so  much  for
 eco-regeneration  and  geo-engineering;  and  science   to water it every day and make sure that it does  humanity over the last decades is no longer up
 and diplomacy. There are lots of things happening and  Don’t you think that the Covid pandemic has made this   not die. The same is true with the international  to the task. We know what the problems are,
 lots of scientists working with us, as well as my former  obvious to people, that we must work together?  ecosystem  in  Geneva.  There  are  a  number  we understand their complexity, we also know
 colleagues from the United Nations system. Practically  Well, we can hope. There are two things, one positive   of  practical  issues  that  is  the  authorities  to  pretty much what the solutions are. What we
 all the United Nations system organizations have agreed  and  one  negative.  The  positive,  and  that  is  something   do.  You  have  to  strengthen  the  capacity  to  need is a much greater will, not only political,
 to collaborate with us. They are looking in the tool box  we leverage, is that the scientific community more than   accommodate  people.  Every  year  there  are  but also individual. So, the message is to make
 of the future, and they understand fully that they need  any other community has been able to collaborate across   more  people  coming  to  Geneva.  They  need  sure that we actually behave in such a way as to
 access to the new science and new technologies, and that  the geographical and political divides. One of the results   a place to live. So, the housing supply has to  solve these huge existential problems, climate
 we can help them.  is that we got the vaccines in less than a year. The dark   be increased. They have to make sure that the  being the first one. We have to work together!
 side was that, at the international level, the collaboration   technology  follows,  that  the  strength  of  the  We  all  must  feel  responsible,  and  this  goes
 It  is  very  important  for  us  that  we  have  as  broad  a  that was needed to ensure that everybody living on this   information technology infrastructure is kept  from  the  youngest  child  to  people  in  their
 conversation as possible, so, people can come and ask  planet was vaccinated was lacking. That also shows the   up  to  date.  I  have  always  been  an  advocate  90s. When, for example, you look at the grass-
 questions, leave comments and interact with us through  need  for  collaboration  today,  and  perhaps  the  lessons   of  understanding  International  Geneva  not  roots  level  in  many  countries  of  the  global
 our website. We are in the process of creating a youth  learned from this experience could help us and tell us   merely as the City of Geneva but the whole  south, people are working really well together,
 forum, and this will start in Africa. We are very attentive  what we should do better on the climate, for example.  environment  around  the  lake,  which  means  and they are doing lots of imaginative things.
 to making sure that the diversity not only of gender but   stronger  collaboration  between  Geneva  and  They are coming up with incredible solutions
 also  of  geography  is  maintained,  within  our  staff,  our  We  know  that  you  have  been  involved  in  the  project   France. A huge percentage of people working  that we should all be better at learning from.
 leadership and our board, as well as among the scientists  Portail  des  Nations.  Could  you  tell  us  what  it  is  all   in the United Nations system live in France,  So  it’s  about  taking  responsibility,  learning
 we work with. So, it is not only scientists from the Global  about?  not only internationals but also local workers.  from others – that we all have to chip in!

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