Page 171 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 171

sommaire      editorial

 international  culture

 6   Interview with   38  From time to time…
    Jan Eliasson
    40  Interview de
 8   Interview with      Jean-Michel Wissmer
    Michael Moller
 42  Three Swiss Palaces for
 12  Alexander Maisuradze     Multilateralism:
    Permanent Mission of      Present, Past and Future  Geneva international:
    Georgia to the UN                                multilateralism 2.0
 46  Historical passes of
 16  New Kazakhstan’s      Switzerland  “There exist five continents – Europe,  city’s  first  country  representations.  including   transnational   and
    human rights journey  America, Africa, Asia and Geneva.”  From  just  a  few  dozen  missions  in  intranational  actors.  For  example,
 52  Picasso and El Greco  So said the great 19  century French  1919, today Geneva is a multilateral  the  recently  established  Forum
 20  Rencontre avec   diplomat  Prince  Talleyrand  during  colossus,  with  more  than  190  of  Mayors  is  the  start  of  one  very
               the Congress of Vienna, 1815. Over  permanent missions, several Corps of  different  type  of  multilateralism:
    Patrick Lachaussée  150  years  later,  Geneva  was  still  a  Ambassadors, 450 NGOs, numerous  a  “Multilateralism  2.0”,  if  you  will.
               powerful  force  for  multilateralism  academic  and  research  institutions,  Some  of  these  transnational  forms
 24  Entretien avec      -  “Geneva  is  not  Eurocentristic,  it  and  a  broadly-represented  private  of  multilateralism  have  existed  for
    Fabrice Eggly  is  GLOBAL”  was  the  phrase  from  sector.               a  long  time,  as  we  will  explore  in
               the  UNOG  rostrum  in  the  1990s.                            the  next  issue,  tracing  the  origins
               This  was  not  just  a  bold  statement  All of these have given rise to a fertile  of some back to 1820; the League of
 27  Interview with   it  was  what  Geneva  became  over  eco-system for international research  Nations  merely  gave  it  a  different,
    Ben Geboe  the  next  few  decades,  to  the  point  and  decision-making.  While  some  inter-governmental   framework.
               that,  in  2017,  previous  UNOG  NGOs. and even the UN, may be set  Today,  we  can  see  that  additional
 30  Ukrainian prisoners of war   Director-General  Michael  Møller  back by the knock-on effects of the  frameworks  will  be  indispensable
    in Russia: Mission Impossible?  could  say,  ”Everything  that  is  pandemic,  there  are  new  platforms  if  we  want  to  reach  our  goals  of
               done  here  in  Geneva  has  a  direct  for coordination, such as The Geneva  peace  and  survival,  and  especially
               impact  on  every  person  on  this  Peacebuilding  Platform  (GPP),  The  during  events  where  governmental
 32  Geneva International –  planet  in  any  24  hour  period.”  Geneva Disarmament Platform, The  structures may not be sufficient.
    through the decade that led to             Geneva  Humanitarian  Connector,
    the Swiss referendum  Of  course,  there  are  other  cities  and,  just  recently  established  The  Clearly, the role of Geneva is vital to
               noted  for  their  multilateralist  Geneva  Cities  Hub.  There  are  also  this. It was the site of multilateralism
               achievements: New York and Oslo to  futuristic  Geneva  platforms,  such  long  before  the  League,  and  will
               name but two, but Geneva remains  as  the  Swiss  Digital  Initiative  always  remain  unique.  Its  rich
               the world capital of multilateralism.  and  the  Geneva  Science  and  history is essential to understanding
 The views expressed are the   Mailing address:  Editor: Marit Fosse  It  has  a  unique  concentration  of  Diplomacy  Anticipator  (GESDA),  how to proceed in future. This is why
 responsibility of the authors and do   DIVA International Diplomat  Deputy editor: Evelina Rioukhina  global  players  active  in  a  broad  full  of  forward-looking  start-ups.   we have dedicated a part of this issue
 not necessarily reflect the views   p/a Salle de Presse 1  spectrum of fields from every region     to this topic, inviting you to flip the
 of DIVA  Palais des Nations  Graphic Design: Iris Hariz  of the world. The synergies between  Geneva-based multilateralism is not  pages of the past and to look into the
 ©  1211 Geneva 10  ® these players makes Geneva the ideal  only growing, but also transforming  future of a new Geneva International
 Tel: +41 22 917 43 01  Contributing to this issue:  place  for  addressing  today’s  many  with  different  communities  and  with a new multilateralism.
 DIVA International is a publication   Jean-Michel Wissmer,   complex global challenges.   corporations  as  part  of  this  new
 of Graficim Media Ltd  E-mail:   Evelina Rioukhina,   multilateralism.  This  is  partly   Evelina Rioukhina
 29 Linconl’s Inn Field, Holborn,  Christian David, Ita Marguet,   Multilateralism  in  Geneva  had  because  the  pandemic  and  climate
 WC2A3EE, England  Pierre-Michel Virot, Robert J. Parsons,   its  first  major  flowering  with  the  change  have  both  shown  us  we
 Ekaterina Pinchevskaya  creation of the League of Nations in  need  more  diverse  multilateralism,
 ISSN: 1660-1934  1919, leading to the opening of the  not  just  limited  to  nations  but

    w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h  w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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