Page 46 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
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year  he  was  the  Representative  to  the   Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty. Mr Petrovsky
                   NATO.  He  headed  Soviet  delegations   strongly favoured “constructive parallel
                   to the UN and other international and   actions”  at  all  conferences  on  arms
                   European  forums:  UNESCO,  IAEA,   regulations  and  disarmament.  He
                   UNEP, and OSCE. He also participated   often stressed that disarmament, whilst
                   in the preparation of the Helsinki Final   important, is only one of the routes to
                   Act and the Final Document of the First   security. His overarching concept was of
                   Special Session on Disarmament.   human  security,  meaning  security  not
                                                     only from violence but also from hunger,
                   In  1992  Secretary-General  Boutros-  disease and environmental degradation.
                   Boutros Ghali appointed Mr Petrovsky   During  this  he  was  also  Secretary-
                   Under-Secretary-General  for  Political   General’s  Envoy  to  Libya  (1992-1997),
                   Affairs at the New York United Nations   and  Special  Representative  of  the  UN
                   –  a  vital  diplomatic  and  international   Secretary-General in Albania (1998).
                   position. He was immediately charged   His  half-century  diplomatic  career
                   with  chairing  the  task  force  for  the   was  either  with  the  UN  or  linked  to
                   preparation of the “Agenda for Peace”,   it,  and  witnessed  the  tenure  of  six
                   one  of  the  most  significant  UN   United  Nations  Secretaries-General.
                   programme documents. He personally   His  first  assignment  was  in  1957-
                   contributed to it by devising the 5 Peace   61  as  a  junior  diplomat  in  the  USSR
                   Principles  –  methods  for  controlling   Permanent Mission to the UN, during
                   and resolving conflicts. These are:   the tenure of Dag Hammarskjöld, then,
                   Preventive diplomacy              during U Thant’s tenure he worked at
                   Peace-making                      the  UN  Secretariat/Political  Affairs.
                   Peace-keeping                     Later,  he  worked  closely  with  Kurt
                   Peace-building                    Weildheim and Javier Perez de Cuelliar
                   Peaceful management.              in  his  USSR  Foreign  Ministry  senior
                                                     leadership  positions  and  headed  the
                   Mr  Petrovsky  had  a  strong  academic   USSR  delegations  during  various
                   background – he was a professor with   high-level  international  forums.  From
                   a PhD in history – and these principles   1992, he worked directly with the UN
                   are elaborated in his many publications   Secretaries-General  Boutros-Boutros
                   such  as:  ‘The  Foreign  Service  of  the   Ghali  and  Kofi  Annan  as  UN  Under-
                   United   Kingdom’;   ’Diplomacy   of   Secretary-General. His last UN tenure,
                   Downing Street 10’; ‘US Foreign Policy   as  UNOG  Director-General  and  UN
                   Thinking’;  ‘The  Doctrine  of  National   Under-Secretary-General, ended after
                   Security in United States Foreign Policy   nine years in the position, in 2002.
                   Strategy’;  ‘Disarmament:  Concepts,
                   Problems, Mechanisms’; and Security in   UNOG and Geneva – Mr Petrovsky’s
                   the Nuclear and Outer Space Era’, ‘The   Achievements
                   Triad of Strategic Security of the Global   Strengthening multilateralism.
                   Community’.                       Geneva is a great city of multilateralism,
                   Eventually he was asked to lead the UN   dating  back  200  years  to  the  Comte
                   Office in Geneva, to give the somewhat   de  Sellon’s  Peace  Society,  and  more
                   static office a new impetus and dynamic.   recently,  in  2019,  celebrating  the
                   The  same  year,  in  October  1993,  he   centenary  of  the  League  of  Nations.
                   also  became  Secretary-General  of  the   However, Mr Petrovsky began a new era
                   Conference  on  Disarmament,  and   of  multilateralism  by  making  UNOG
                   personal representative of the Secretary-  open to all the new actors on the world
                   General to the Conference. During his   stage,  and  strongly  encouraging  close
                   years  in  this  position,  the  Conference   cooperation  between  the  UN  and
                   concluded  the  1996  Comprehensive   regional organizations.

                   w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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