Page 47 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
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The  first  major  step  towards  the   In addition, Mr Petrovsky’s great passion
                                             “informal   process   of   tri-partite   was art, not for its own sake, but as a
                                             consultations”, between the Conference   way towards peace. This is why he made
                                             on Security and Cooperation in Europe   Geneva a venue of the Dialogue Among
                                             (now  the  OSCE)  and  the  Council  of   Civilizations. He deeply believed that
                                             Europe,  was  taken  on  his  initiative   art is best suited for promoting peace
                                             in  1993.  It  has  since  evolved  into  an   through  dialogue.  Often  appreciation
                                             essential   communication   channel,   and respect for another culture begins
                                             bridging  differences  in  institutional   with  appreciation  of  its  art,  so  that
                                             culture to mitigate the effect of conflict   even if the arts are not the language of
                                             on   humanitarian   concerns.   The   diplomacy, they pave the way for further
                                             benefits of these informal consultations   and  deeper  diplomatic  achievements.
                                             have  attracted  other  regional  and   The diplomatic community in Geneva
                                             international  bodies  such  as  the  EU,   acknowledges its debt to Mr Petrovsky
                                             ICRC and IOM. The process therefore   for  his  role  in  this.  His  work  in
                                             continues  today  as  “Tripartite  Plus”.   creating  the  wide  range  of  UNOG
                                             Mr  Petrovsky’s  high  level  contacts   cultural activities was an integral part
                                             with  the  Organization  of  African   of  efforts  to  further  cross-cultural
                                             Unity  (OAU),  League  of  Arab  States,   understanding. This is crucial in times
                                             Organization  of  Islamic  Conference   of  world  uncertainty,  or  in  the  global
                                             (OIC), Commonwealth of Independent   fight against terrorism.
                                             States  (CIS),  and  the  International   One  notable  achievement  of  Mr
                                             Organization of La Francophonie, have   Petrovsky was his initiative to literally
                                             created vital links between UNOG and   open  the  doors  of  the  Palais  des
                                             these bodies.                     Nations to public, and he was the first
                                                                               Director-General to do so. In 1998, he
                                             He  also  launched  and  cemented   successfully organized the first “Journée
                                             partnerships   with   the   business   Portes  Ouvertes”.  Since  then,  the  UN
                                             community,  which  none  of  his   Open  Day  became  a  good  annual
                                             predecessors had previously attempted.   tradition at UNOG.  He encouraged to
                                             In 1998, he helped create the Business   use this day to share the heritage of the
                                             Humanitarian  Forum,  to  increase   Palais des Nations, to inform about the
                                             mutual understanding and cooperation   work of the UN, to foster dialogue with
                                             between  business  and  humanitarian   other organizations, and to strengthen
                                             organizations,  especially  in  conflict   ties with Geneva community. His last
                                             regions. In this way Mr Petrovsky made   “Open  Day”  organized  jointly  with
                                             people aware of the complementarity of   the  Swiss  and  Geneva  authorities  in
                                             markets and human security.       October 2001, was the most remarkable.
                                                                               It took place on the eve of Switzerland
                                             Using his strong academic background,   accession to the UN.
                                             Mr  Petrovsky  also  developed  the   This local popularity led to Mr Petrovsky
                                             relationship  between  research  and   being praised by the Genevan journalist
                                             policy. In 2000, he initiated the Research   Serge Bimpage for his contribution not
                                             and  Policy  Dialogue,  a  conference   only to the political character of Geneva’s
                                             he  chaired  jointly  with  the  Rector  of   ‘right  bank’  (the  city’s  international
                                             the  United  Nations  University.  This   sector)  but  also  for  his  contributions
                                             informal  network  of  research  and   of a personal and human nature, which
                                             training  activities  goes  beyond  UN   «n’a  rien  de  diplomatique.  Rarement,
                                             institutions and includes other Geneva-  il refuse une invitation des Genevois.»
                                             based  organizations.  All  the  above   (p. 187).  He is considered as a ‘great
                                             achievements are a part of what we now   Genevan’, and the opening photo in the
                                             call Geneva International.        latest book about Mr Petrovsky (which

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