Page 51 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 51


                   for gender equality and the empowerment of  Currently,  all  Regional  Commissions are  led
                   women.                                 by women. Do you notice a difference in the
                                                          level of cooperation with your counterparts?
                   What  contributions  can  women  in  UN  I feel honoured to have the opportunity to work
                   leadership  roles  bring  in  strengthening  with our team of Executive Secretaries, they
                   multilateralism? (in International Geneva or  are great colleagues and we are able to work
                   globally)                              together very efficiently and productively.
                   To me it is very simple: the complex challenges
                   we face, from COVID-19 to the climate crisis  Do  you  find  it  more  challenging  overall,  or
                   and  inequalities,  need  each  resource,  talent  less?
                   and innovative potential on board. That has  The  ways  we  work  together  are  linked  to
                   been one of the key messages resonating from  the  well-advanced  UN  development  system
                   the  dialogues  around  the  75   anniversary  reform  process,  which  has  reinvigorated
                   of  the  United  Nations.  To  best  respond  to  cooperation at the regional level and the role
                   peoples’  needs,  we  need  the  expertise,  ideas  of  the  Regional  Commissions.  Despite  the
                   and  engagement  of  all  areas  of  society  and  different geographical coverage, we have many
                   all sectors, and without a doubt, if the female  common areas of work, ranging from the UN
                   half  of  the  population  is  not  fully  involved,  Road  Safety  Fund,  to  trade  facilitation  and
                   empowered and represented, our efforts will  gender equality. Right now for example, we’re
                   be severely undermined.                working on the issue of care policies, looking at
                                                          countries’ approaches with a gender lens as part
                   Thinking  about  women’s  role  in  leadership,  of a project on strengthening social protection
                   and particularly in the diplomatic domain, I  policies in governments’ COVID-19 response.  “Having
                   feel it is important not to fall into the trap of                             more
                   traditional gender roles and stereotypes. The  You are a woman who is currently the United   women in
                   more  we  break  down  the  persistent  barriers  Nations   Under-Secretary-General   and
                   to  women’s  role  in  leadership  and  decision-  Executive  Secretary  of  the  United  Nations   leadership
                   making,  the  more  we  bring  to  the  table  the  Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE),   roles in the
                   diversity of perspectives and ways of working  an  International  Gender  Champion,  you’ve  UN does
                   that we need.                          served  as  Permanent  Representative  and   also send
                                                          Ambassador of your home country Slovakia,
                   Having  women  leaders  in  multilateral  work  and  navigated  a  successful  career  in  the   a clear
                   can  bring  greater  sensitivity  to  the  different  private  sector,  all  while  filling  the  roles  of   message to
                   situations  and  needs  faced  specifically  by  spouse and mother. In what ways has being  our member
                   women and girls. In addition, we can be more  women-leader changed your life?   States...”
                   persistent in the search for gender-responsive  I  believe  that  all  women  with  career  and
                   solutions and look for broad-based decisions  family have to juggle between multiple tasks
                   in  consultations  with  women’s  groups  and  at the same time. And we can see that with
                   other  stakeholders.  That’s  certainly  a  strong  good time-management, it is possible. I was
                   element in my work.                    always blessed with good teams around me.
                                                          So, it has always been a pleasure to work with
                   Having  more  women  in  leadership  roles  in  these teams towards more balanced, gender-
                   the  UN  does  also  send  a  clear  message  to  sensitive,  environmentally  considerate  and
                   our  member  States,  and  encourages  greater  forward-looking economic policies.             •
                   political  commitment  for  gender  equality,
                   which I am pleased to see in the delegations  MF
                   participating  in  our  activities.  In  fact,  when
                   we invite the nomination of candidates to our
                   intergovernmental  meetings,  we  also  recall
                   UNECE’s  commitment  to  gender  equality
                   and encourage gender balance in our member
                   States’ participation.

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