Page 56 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 56
Interview with His Excellency
Permanent Representative
of the Republic of Uzbekistan
to the UN Office and other
international organizations
in Geneva
Please, tell us about yourself. What is your role The President of Uzbekistan H.E. Mr. Shavkat
as Permanent Representative of your country Mirziyoyev in his Statement at the 75th
to the United Nations Office at Geneva and to United Nations General Assembly in 2020 put
UNECE? forward a number of initiatives, among them:
I’m Ulugbek Lapasov, Permanent • to develop under the UN auspices an
Representative of the Republic of Uzbekistan International Code of Voluntary Commitments
to the UN Office and other international of States during pandemics;
organizations in Geneva. • to adopt the United Nations Convention on
the Rights of the Youth;
The Permanent Representation of the • to adopt a special resolution of the United
Republic of Uzbekistan in Geneva interacts Nations General Assembly on enhancing
with numerous United Nations and other the role of parliaments in achieving the
international organizations based in Geneva. Sustainable Development Goals and ensuring
These bodies cover a wide array of issues human rights;
ranging from security, over economic, trade, • to establish a Regional Centre for
development and environment subjects, to the Development of Transport and
human rights related themes. Communications under the auspices of the
United Nations;
Uzbekistan positively assesses the dynamics of • to establish a permanent UN commission on
bilateral cooperation with the UNECE during Afghanistan that would address the concerns
the last 3 years, which covers a wide range of the long-suffering Afghan people, promote
of key areas, including transport, housing and facilitate the economic and social
construction, transboundary water issues, development of Afghanistan;
trade, ecology and environment, public- • to adopt a special resolution of the UN
private partnership etc. General Assembly declaring the Aral Sea
region an area of ecological innovation and
The UN celebrated recently 75 years since its technologies;
creation. What is the impact of the United • to set the issues of poverty eradication and
Nations and the UN agencies in Geneva, the fight against poverty as one of the main
more specifically, on the life of people in your topics of the next session of the United Nations
country after its independence? General Assembly and hold a Global Summit
The Republic of Uzbekistan became a member on these issues.
of the UN in 1992 and has been active in
the field of ensuring peace and stability, in Uzbekistan actively participates in the work of
realizing the sustainable development goals the UNECE and in the United Nations Special
and respect for human rights. Programme for the Economies of Central
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h