Page 57 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 57


                   Asia (SPECA), especially in the last couple of
                   years. How do you see the role of the SPECA
                   programme in providing a platform to achieve
                   sustainable development through cross-border
                   cooperation,  especially  in  the  time  of  the
                   COVID-19 pandemic?
                   Uzbekistan believes that SPECA will play an
                   important role in strengthening the country’s
                   national  potential  by  promoting  sustainable
                   economic  growth  and  the  achievement  of
                   the  Millennium  Development  Goals  in  the
                   country, attracting investments in improving
                   the  infrastructure  and  increasing  the   “On Uzbekistan’s initiative, the
                   competitiveness of the economy, strengthening   United Nations Multi-Partner Human
                   interconnectivity  with  the  countries  of  the
                   region,  and  expanding  regional  cooperation   Security Trust Fund for the Aral Sea
                   and integration.                       Region was established.“

                   Through  active  participation  in  SPECA
                   Uzbekistan  could  contribute  to  achieving  all
                   the initiatives it put forward by the President at
                   the United Nations General Assembly in 2020.

                   On Uzbekistan’s initiative, the United Nations
                   Multi-Partner  Human  Security  Trust  Fund
                   for the Aral Sea Region was established. The
                   Fund  will  serve  as  a  base  platform  for  the
                   international community to provide practical  • improvement of the management of water,
                   assistance to the population living in a stressed  energy  and  environment  from  a  holistic
                   ecological zone of Aral Sea.           approach  to  resource  management,  on  a
                                                          regional or bilateral basis;
                   Uzbekistan  will  assume  the  chairmanship  •  expansion  of  transport  infrastructure  and
                   of  SPECA  in  2021,  while  UNECE  will  be  making Central Asia a transport hub between
                   coordinating the support for SPECA in 2021,  Europe  and  Asia  and  between  North  and
                   working  with  the  United  Nations  Economic  South Asia, using to their full extent the legal
                   and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific  norms and other tools offered by the United
                   (ESCAP) and the UN Resident Coordinators  Nations;
                   in  the  SPECA  countries.  What  will  be  the  • facilitation of trade and transit procedures,
                   priorities  and  objectives  of  Uzbekistan’s  including  digitalization  of  information
                   chairmanship of SPECA?                 flows  along  multimodal  transport  corridors,
                   Uzbekistan  is  committed  to  work  during  its  and  implementation  of  the  SPECA  Trade
                   Chairmanship to ensure the implementation  Facilitation Strategy, WTO Trade Facilitation
                   of the objectives of the Programme to promote  Agreement and the SPECA;
                   regional economic cooperation and integration  •  promotion  of  sustainable  trade  and  the
                   among  the  SPECA  countries  and  with  the  circular economy in the SPECA sub-region;
                   economies of Europe and Asia, and to enhance  •  stepping  up  innovation  and  technology
                   regional cooperation for the implementation  transfer in the region;
                   of  Sustainable  Development  Goals  (SDGs).  • providing gender equality and mainstreaming
                   In this sense, Uzbekistan will work during its  gender  in  the  various  areas  of  work  of
                   Chairmanship on strengthening the regional  SPECA;
                   collaboration in the following areas of work of  •  promoting  investment  in  the  SPECA
                   SPECA:                                 sub-region.                                                                      •

                   w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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