Page 52 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 52


                                                                          aware of the story attached to it. It may be that
                                                                          this tree is not just a silent witness of events
                                                                          at the Palais des Nations, but is also a living
                                                                          monument to peace. The story of this tree goes
                                                                          well beyond 75  birthday of the United Nations,
                                                                          and even well beyond the century of the League
                                                                          of Nations, as it is almost 190 years old.

                                                                          This Tree was present at the construction of
                                                                          the Ariana Museum by Gustav Revilliod, the
                                                                          construction of the Palais des Nations for the
                                                                          League of Nations, and for the League itself
                                                                          during its last years of existence during WWII.
                                                                          It was standing during the inauguration of the
                                                                         Evelina Rioukhina, competition-winning photo  organization was created 75  years ago, with
                                                                          Celestial Sphere in 1939, the rotation of this
                                                                          Sphere and its sudden stop on the outbreak
                                                                          of  war,  and  many  other  events  since  our
                                                                          the European UN Headquarters at the Palais.

                                                                          In a way, the tree is a symbolic custodian of all
                                                                          the Palais des Nations secrets, of its Sphere, and
                                                                          even of its peacocks that are also a Palais heritage,
                                                                          as  specified  in  the  will  of  Gustav  Revilliod.
                                                                          Furthermore,  as  a  majestic  and  beautiful  tree,
                                                                          it adds to the atmosphere of peace in the Palais
                                                                          grounds with its strength and solidity, and also to
                                                                          its internationalism as it originated in Lebanon
                  The custodian of the                                    (full story below this article).

                  secrets of the palais                                   I have my own personal story with this tree,

                  The Unknown Living Monument of Peace                    as  during  the  pandemic  I  was  often  almost
                                                                          alone  at  the  huge  Palais  and  Ariana  Park,
                  in Geneva                                               and during breaks I would pay a visit to the
                                                                          beautiful Celestial Sphere, passing by this tree.
                  By Evelina Rioukhina and Oleksandr Svirchevsky and      It was a strange time, and I realised that only
                  Ryan Kennedy                                            three of us were present by the tree: myself, a
                                                                          peacock and the Sphere. This visit became a
                                                                          daily ritual, the peacock and I circling the tree
                                   We  continue  our  theme  started  in  No.  1  of  like a little dance, then the peacock taking its
                                   Diva  2020:  ‘Peace  Monuments  in  Geneva’-  place on the bench as if leaving a space for me
                                   known, forgotten, or at risk of being lost. In  to sit together under the tree. A photograph
                                   this article we explain our theory about the  of this striking image has been voted the best
                                   best-known tree at the Palais des Nations, and  image for the UNECE 2021 calendar.
                                   perhaps discover its secret. If we are correct,
                                   then  this  tree  is  a  living  peace  monument  The situation, with the tree, the peacock and
                                   dating  back  two  centuries,  and  should  be  me, seemed so significant it was as if the tree
                                   added to the Register of Peace Monuments of  was trying to tell me something. What caught
                                   Geneva.                                my eye was the nameplate on its trunk, which
                                                                          I had seen before but which had never really
                                   We have all passed the impressive cedar tree in  registered  with  me.  The  date,  in  particular,
                                   Ariana Park at least once, but not everyone is  was very striking.

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