Page 33 - Bulletin 82-avril 2023
P. 33
Life sometimes gives us the opportunity to make up for "UNFORGETTABLE"
I was looking for the illustration of the ceiling of the Council Chamber, today the seat of
the Conference on Disarmament 1/ at the
UN in Geneva, and I could not find
anything.... And suddenly I saw this
photo of the fresco offered to the United
Nations for its 75 ème anniversary. Doubly
funny because within our Committee we
deplored the lack of echo given to
Switzerland's entry into the Security
Council and the celebration of the 30 ème
anniversary of Switzerland's entry into
the United Nations. This was the subject
of a friendly discussion at the Carrefour
International in January at Cité Seniors. What is even more surprising is that in 2020
everything has been swept under the carpet by that cursed COVID which has stolen
almost three years of our lives.
Everything catapults together in this issue. News about the forthcoming publication of
Jean-François Pallas' book on the dependencies of the UN, a reminder of the 75 ème
anniversary of the UN and, of course, our questioning of the functioning of the Security
Council chaired by a belligerent country.
My head had a bit of trouble finding its way... and so did my heart!
How can we still dare to say that we have worked for the United Nations, which is
unable to reform itself, to abolish the right of veto, to condemn the disastrous actions of
large countries? What is its future?
Let us not forget that today's rules are the result of agreements between the "victors" of
the 1939-1945 war. The great powers then arrogated to themselves inalienable rights
from which we suffer today! They certainly failed to include wisdom and prudence in
their decisions.
The rules today are locking us more and more into a computerised world with no regard
for people without computers. We are fighting to keep the paper options, this is the case
for the Certificate of Entitlement from the Pension Fund and also for insurance
reimbursements from UNSMIS.
However, do not think that I am defeatist or even obscurantist, (To make up for this, I
am sending you a beautiful flower....) the proof, our general assembly, which will be
held on 8 June at the Centre de Conférences de Varembé (CCV), will be held in
hybrid to accommodate those who cannot travel. Please make a note of this date.
AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 82 No.1, 2023-04 31