Page 38 - Bulletin 82-avril 2023
P. 38
By Mohammed SEBTI, for AAFI / AFICS
The United Nations Mutual Insurance Company is autonomous and self-managed with
the objective of offering its members the best possible coverage and quality services.
To achieve this, it has the necessary resources, both human and technological, to meet
the demands placed on it.
A summary of its activities in recent months reflects the achievement of its objectives.
1. Communications: essential for a good relationship with policyholders; the following
measures have been taken:
1.1. Reopening of the Customer Care Centre (after its closure due to Covid).
1.2. Creation of the e-claims Portal to print certificates, submit claims, optical check and
dental credits and also to make telephone appointments on MSTEAMS with the
1.3. Creation of an additional overflow line in case of congestion of the main telephone
1.4. Permanence in the ITU premises.
1.5. Installation (in the near future) of a mailbox at the entrance of the Palais for the
deposit of claims, in order to avoid the difficult access inside the Palais.
1.6. For the procedures relating to the processing of claims, creation, in addition to the
existing digital platform (e-Claims Portal), of a platform using one's mobile phone (e-
Claims Mobile), by scanning the claims and sending them electronically. It should be
noted that for those members who cannot or do not want to use electronic means, it is
possible to continue to use paper claims.
2. Processing times for applications
Members will note that progress is being made in terms of repayment times, with the
aim of reducing these to a maximum of 15 working days.
3. Improvements in services and procedures
Reviews of benefit amounts are undertaken periodically. Recently, increases in
reimbursement amounts/ceilings have been made for homeopathic care,
phototherapeutics, wheelchairs, etc. ...............; other increases will come into effect
from 1 January 2023 for glasses and frames, and others are under review. Any changes
must be reviewed taking into account their financial impact and are subject to approval
by the UNOG Director General.
36 AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 82 No. 1, 2023-04