Page 37 - Bulletin 82-avril 2023
P. 37
Ms. Spoljaric upheld the importance of sure that they are in all sectors of life.
international humanitarian law during not just in peace processes.”
conflict and urged States to apply a Partner with women activists
gender perspective in its application and
interpretation. Nobel Peace Prize winner Leymah
Gbowee from Liberia called for amplifying
“Respect for international humanitarian the women, peace and security agenda.
law will prevent the enormous harm She recommended steps such as
resulting from violations of its rules, engaging and partnering with local
and it will help to rebuild stability and women peace activists, who she called
reconcile societies,” she said.
“the custodians of their communities.”
States also must ensure that the clear Women must also be negotiators and
prohibition of sexual violence under mediators in peace talks. “It is amazing to
international humanitarian law is see how only the men with guns are
integrated into national law, military consistently invited to the table to find
doctrine and training.
solutions, while women who bear the
“Engaging more boldly and directly greatest brunt are often invited as
weapon bearers on this issue - with the observers,” she remarked.
ultimate goal that it does not occur in She also urged countries to “move beyond
the first place - should become a de facto rhetoric” by ensuring funding and political
preventive approach, supported and will, because without them, Resolution
facilitated in times of peace to prevent the 1325 “remains a toothless bulldog”.
worst in times of war,” she added.
Ms. Gbowee stressed that women, peace
UNVMC/Laura Santamaría
and security must be seen as a holistic
Women and children face the worst part of the global peace and security
consequences of conflict and climate agenda.
“We will continue to search for peace in
African women leaders network vain in our world unless we bring women
to the table,” she warned. “I firmly
Bineta Diop of the African Union
Commission also addressed the Council, believe that trying to work for global peace
highlighting its work in getting countries to and security minus women is trying to see
accelerate implementation of the the whole picture with your one eye
resolution. covered.”
Source: United Nations
This is being done through a strategy
focused on advocacy and accountability,
and in building a network of women
leaders on the continent.
“We are ensuring that women’s leadership
is mainstreamed in governance, peace
and development processes so as to
create a critical mass of women leaders at
all levels,” she said. “We need to make
AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 82 No.1, 2023-04 35