Page 48 - Bulletin, Vol.82 No.3, October 2023
P. 48
The President of the AAFICS thanked the Chairman and the participants for their
attendance at the meeting.
The General Assembly closed at 11.25 a.m.
The morning continued with an information session on family carers, which will be the
subject of a separate brochure.
At the end of the morning, participants enjoyed a drink and a musical interlude provided
by the Ishraq ensemble ("sunrise" in Arabic).
1/ We'll need to be more specific about the location.
The elected members of the Committee are chosen by secret ballot for a term of office
of three years in accordance with the following provisions:
(1) Every two years, a ballot shall be held among the Members of the Association to
elect nine members of the Committee to fill vacancies.
(2) Any candidate for election to the Committee must be a Member of the Association
and must be nominated by at least three other Members. Retiring members of the
Committee may be re-elected. Nominations shall be received by the Secretariat at least
four months before the opening date of the ordinary sess ion of the General Meeting.
(3) The list of candidates shall be drawn up by the President. It shall be sent to all
Members of the Association at least three months before the date of the ordinary
session of the General Meeting.
(4) The right to vote is exercised by correspondence.
(5) The details of the electoral procedure shall be established by the Committee.
AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 82 No.2, 2023-10 46
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