Page 37 - DIVA_1_2012
P. 37

Geneva, which means that, relative to its   "alternative" sector that also offers a lot   Q: As Managing Director of Geneva
        population, it is the city in the world with   of things to do, and so on.   Tourism & Conventions, would you
        the most museums. You should know                                        like to have more contact with <tin-
        that 46% of the territory of the canton   With the aid of digital tools, my job is to   ternational Geneva>>?
        is an agricultural zone. The Canton of   set up the channels and to create a diary
        Geneva is the third producer of wine in   of events in Geneva that contains all the   There are lot of contacts. I work a lot
        Switzerland. There are many things like   information available. It's only then that   with the Chancellery and we have set
        this that people do not know. I think one   people will realize how many things they   up, for instance, an international tour
        explanation is that people do not mix.   can do in Geneva -- that's my goal.   of Geneva. My wish is always the same:
        Expats, whether they are working for                                     the international organizations should
        large multinational companies or inter-  All this is, of course, to promote Geneva   also open up to the locals, because by
        national civil servants, often do not know   as an international destination for lei-  doing so the Genevois will know better
        much about what is going on in Geneva.   sure tourists coming from abroad. There   what the different organizations do and,
                                             are two ways of doing things. We work   why they are important. Then they will
        Q: What is your strategy to make     on the "closed markets". Today, people   understand your goals and mission and
        these "populations" more aware       book directly online, so you have to re-  understand that you are important to
        about what Geneva has to offer?      mind them that London and Paris are   the city.
                                             not the only tourist destinations, but in
        First, I must explain something. Geneva   Geneva too there are many things to do.   Q: Do you think that the internatio-
        Tourism and Conventions is a private as-                                 nal community can play an impor-
        sociation recognized as a public utility.   There is real potential for development   tant role in promoting Geneva?
        Our funding comes from the tourism   here. Let me give you an example. There
        foundation that is financed from a spe-  are about 1 million British tourists co-  It's a two-way process. In the same way
        cial tax on hotel nights and a number of   ming to ski in the Alps every year. In   that I said that the Genevois should be
        beneficiaries of tourism who are obliged   general, they use Geneva as the gateway   ambassadors for international civil ser-
        to pay a tax according to a law passed in   to the mountains, but we should remind   vants, in the same way the internationals
        1994. These entire amounts are paid into   them that they could also stop for a day   could do the same. In fact, we know that
        the Foundation for Tourism, which is un-  or two in Geneva. They could visit the   word of mouth is the most effective mar-
        der the presidency of the State Councillor   city, because there is a lot to do -- but   keting tool. If a diplomat or international
        of Geneva, Mr François Unger. I obtain   this is relatively unknown.     civil servant receives a visit from his fa-
        my budget from this foundation.                                          mily, this will have an impact as they will
                                             Then we have a second activity: tourist   visit the city.
        We have three main objectives. We pro-  information providing assistance to vi-
        mote Geneva abroad. We work a lot to   sitors in Geneva. Once they have landed   However, I would like to challenge you a
        attract people to hold their conferences   and are present in the city, we provide   little... What is funny is that Geneva is of-
        in Geneva. Why?                      them with information. We have one   ten compared to Paris or New York, but
        •  Geneva has a unique geographical   department here in Geneva, and there is   you tend to forget that Geneva is only a
          location;                          also the Centre d'Accueil -- Genève In-  middle-sized city, not a metropolis like
        • Palexpo exhibition halls are five-  ternationale (CAGI) with which we col-  Paris or New York. However, there are
          minutes from the airport;          laborate.                           things to do in Geneva that people do not
        • the CICG is a very good conference                                     know about. "Lack of awareness" is the
          centre;                            We also organize other types of events.   keyword.
        • there are 9,200 hotel rooms with a   We are behind the "Les Fetes de Ge-
          concentration of  4-   and 5-stars,   nève", which is the most important event   Q: Are there any problem with ri-
          offering a quality infrastructure.   in Switzerland. Not only does it last eight   sing criminality in Geneva?
        This means that Geneva is very well posi-  days, but it brings in 2 million visitors to
        tioned on the congress market. Business   the city, generating indirect and direct   Geneva has benefited from extra-ordi-
        tourism is not very visible as people stay   income amounting to about CHF120   nary security measures, and this is part
        during the working week. You should   million.                           of the fundamental image of Geneva. In
        know that Geneva is among the top ten                                    the past, people came here with bundles
        cities in the world for congresses, coming   Q: How do you make Geneva better   of banknotes without encountering pro-
        before Vienna and Brussels. We have one   known?                         blems. However, it is true that Geneva
        department that deals exclusively with                                   has become more open due to the Schen-
        this market.                         I believe that there are two things to do.   gen Agreement. Don't forget that in these
                                             When a person comes to Geneva to live   times of economic turmoil Geneva still
        Then you have leisure tourism. Histori-  in a foreign city, a foreign country that   remains an island of prosperity. When
        cally, this form of tourism has been un-  functions in a way that is not necessa-  this is being said, people are sometimes a
        popular because of the idea that there is   rily the one they might know, the natu-  little contradictory. In Paris or New York
        not much to do in Geneva.            ral reaction is to withdraw from the un-  people are more careful about crimina-
                                             known and to try to find one's bearings.   lity. This is normal because in metropo-
        We realize this and we have tackled the   What I can do is to encourage people   lis cities you automatically pay attention
        problem. My medium-term strategic    to go out and benefit from the different   and behave more cautiously. However,
        goal is to aggregate all the benefits that   events taking place in Geneva and to   comparing Geneva to the levels of crime
        are offered by Geneva, and make them   meet the locals. My role is to educate   in Paris or New York is a little exaggerated.
        available to the people living here. If I   the locals to be open to international ci-
        say that the offer is fragmented, this is   vil servants, expats, etc., because we feel   However, having said that, objectively
        really the case. You have the department   that at present the two are living in pa-  there are security problems. There has
        of culture of the city of Geneva, which   rallel with little interaction.   been an increase in burglaries. I myself
        offers all the information available on                                  have had my home broken into twice --
        events and shows -- but it is distribu-  I have lots of ideas but unfortunately I do   they took everything, including my car!
        ted only in French. Then you have the   not have an elastic budget.
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