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        European City of Science 2012

               he European City of Science   of ESOF 2012 is "Where Creativity and   In showcasing the best of Irish culture,
               is a recently introduced Eu-  Great Science Meet". Dublin's aim is to   arts and science a new and innovative
        T ropean Union  programme            attract  8,00o  Irish and international   programme of science themed events
        that sees  a major European city     delegates while engaging  50,000  citi-  across Dublin and Ireland will consist of
        chosen biennially by  the Super-     zens in a truly Olympics of European   photographic and art exhibitions, seve-
        visory Board of Euroscience, an      Research style event. It will include   ral theatre pieces, film festivals, tours,
        organisation based in Strasbourg,    members of the public from all over   trails and treasure hunts, street perfor-
        for scientific and technological re-  Europe to discuss new discoveries and   mances, science buskers, large-scale
        search.                              debate the direction that research is   interactive installations, experiments,
                                             taking in the sciences, humanities and   science carnivals, public talks, debates,
         Dublin's bid to host the European City   social sciences.               workshops and even a fashion show.
        of Science  2012  had been in prepara-
        tion since  2008.  It brought together   It is a unique international and multidis-  Throughout 2012 Dublin's public libra-
        the scientific, academic and industrial   ciplinary forum to present and discuss   ries will run a coordinated programme
        establishment of Ireland. Over fifty   the frontiers of scientific and techno-  of events with a scientific theme that will
        stakeholders came together under the   logical research in Europe and contri-  be adopted in all relevant programmes.
        stewardship of the Chief Scientific Ad-  bute to the development of a European   It will include talks, workshops and ex-
        viser and Senior Executive of the Bid.   scientific identity together with bridging   hibitions catering for all ages. Scientists,
        The prestigious title was formerly held   the gap between science and society in   schools and community groups will be
        by Stockholm  (2004), Munich  (2006),   stimulating policies to support scientific   involved in the projects.
         Barcelona (2008) and Turin (2010).   research.
                                                                                 With the streets of Dublin as a broad
        The principal event is the hosting of Eu-  The official launching took place at the   canvas, the public will be both inspired
         rope's largest science conference dedica-  city's Convention Centre on 26 January   and prompted to discuss and debate the
        ted to scientific research and innovation.   2012. The Minister of State for Science,   value and merits of scientific issues, the-
        The Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF)    Technology and Innovation, hailed the   mes and opinions in a discourse that is
         attracts leading scientists, researchers   decision to grant the title to Dublin in   important to all. Putting Irish science
         at all levels, business people, entrepre-  recognition of the great strides Ireland   on the map, there will be selected sites
         neurs and innovators, policy makers,   has made in the area. It will see a year-  highlighting both modern and histo-
        science and technology experts and   long programme of science events to   ric Irish science venues. Events will be
        communicators. Adding great prestige,   bring to the fore the best in Irish science   added to the programme throughout
        in 2012 three joint Nobel Prize laureates   and research. An innovative science   the year.
         are expected to attend, James Watson   themed festival will run during the year
         (1962), Peter Doherty (1996) and Jules   throughout Ireland combining the best                Ito Marguet
         Hoffman (2011).                     of Irish culture, arts and science. Saint
                                             Patrick's Day celebrations in March will
         To be held at the capital's new Conven-  include science themed activities and
         tion Centre from 12 to 16 July, the theme   events for young and old.

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