Page 43 - DIVA_1_2012
P. 43

contribute my time, my advice and                                        having a show in Daytona at the
        my paintings to raise money to keep                                      same time. He will be in to New York
        the place running. The 5ptz is consi-                                    the end of March  2012 for a show
        dered the mecca of graffiti because                                      where we are both appearing at the
        it draws not only graffiti artist from                                   same time. We will be rocking a wall
        all over the world, but also tourists                                    before he heads back then in April.
        come to see the five-storey building                                     I will be heading down to Florida to
        that is covered from top to bottom                                       do some gallery stuff with him for
        with some of the best graffiti and                                       upcoming shows.
        aerosol art in the world. The art on
        the building changes every couple
        of weeks and there are events that
        include all the elements of hip-hop
        and live aerosol art, while the disc-
        jockey spins records, break dancers
        dance and rappers spit their lyrics at
        the same time. There are booths set   to get better and better. I've done
        up were you can purchase a T-shirt   Art Basel in Miami Florida for the
        or an original painting from a local   first time with my close friend and
        artist, as well as a small gallery in   graffiti accomplice James <<Sexier>>
        the loading dock which features a    Rodriguez. We've been putting on
        different artist every week.         shows together along with pushing
                                             the limits of our work since the
         I've been at this for thirty-three   1980s. We ended up getting into
        years now and every year it seems    two shows for Art Basel, as well as

                                                                                 Two of my spray-can sculpture
                                                                                 pieces from a show I had at Harper
                                                                                 Fine Arts Gallery in Daytona had
                                                                                 been taken in by a museum on Hol-
                                                                                 lywood Boulevard called the Death
                                                                                 Museum. I'm currently working on
                                                                                 new works now for upcoming gal-
                                                                                 lery shows along with stuff for this
                                                                                 year's Art Basel 2012.

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