Page 3 - DIVA_4_2006_No.27
P. 3


              Diva   International

                 4   The   World   Meteorological0rganization
                     launches    the   International    Polar   Year,
                     Interview   with  "WMO   Polarman"
                     Eduard   Sarukhanuan
                 8   The   Role   of   Satellite    observation    in  the
                     Lebanese    Crisis
                     Francesco   Pisano,  UNITAR/UNOSAT

                 10    Interview    avec   Me  Joseph    Najm
                     conseiller  juridique   honoraire   de  l'Union
                     Libanaise   Culturelle   Mondiale   et  president   de  son
                     "  Conseil   National   en   Suisse   ".

                 11    Lebanon
                     Interview   with  Gebran   Soufan
                     Ambassadeur    of  Lebanon

                 14    Ross   Mountain
                     Deputy   Special  Representative   of the  Secretary-
                     General,  United  Nations   Mission  in  the  Democratic
                     Republic   of the  Congo   (MONUC)
                 19    Taiwan   launches    New   International
                     Medical    Team   -  TaiwanlHA

                 22    The   International    Conference    Centre
                     of   Geneva   (CICG)-a    year   after   its
                 23    Microcredit
                     Interview   with  Ivan  Pictet
                26    UNFCU   Expands    Member-Service
                     to  Best   Serve   UN  Community
                     Interview   with  Daniel  Ptacek,
                    Vice  President   or  Branch   Operations     39  Sudanese    Culture    in  Geneva
                                                                     Interview   with  His  Excellency
                28    Maurice   :  vision   et  pari   ambitieux    pour  Mohamed   Yousif  Abed   Allah,   Minister   of
                     le   futurl                                     Culture,   Youth  and  Sports,   Sudan
                30   "   Anahita    "  :  une   vision   du   futur  40  Serge   Diakonoff
                     int6gr6e   dans   sa  r6gion                    L'5me   de  l'Afrique   or  the  spirit   of Africa

             Culture                                             41    Inteiview    with   Irina   Mnatsakanian
                                                                     Promoting   Armenian   culture  in  Switzerland
                32   "  La  Marseillaise    de  mon   enfance    "   et  de
                    "Quand    les   jeunes    Africains    cr6aient  43  Green   Valley   in  the   snow:   A   White
                    l'histoire    "                                 Christmas
                    Interview   de  Jean  Martin   Tchaptchet
                                                                 45  Nicole   Kidman    tourne    pour
                35    Le  coin   de  l'6ducation                    les   Nations    -  Unies
                36    Hayward    Beywood    Column               46  "A   la  Maison   de  verre,   I'ONU   et  ses
                                                                    Secr6taires    g6ns:raux"
             Geneva    International                                Interview   avec   Romuald   Scionra
                38    Geneva   Welcome    Centre   celebrates    it's   10  48  Mes   Recettes    du   Monde
                    anniversary                                     Ana   Arringa   Conti

                                                                                                   5  2006   Diva   1

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