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can    find    them    on  Poles   announced     that    they  working    very   hard   to  help   us
                              <>.    After   careful  would   pay   for   their   participa-  organize    IPY   activities    in   their
                               evaluation    of   these   full   pro-  tion   in   IPY   projects.We    do  not  countries,    and   we   hope   that   all
                              posals   against   IPY   criteria    the  have   an  exact   figure   from   all  the   projects    will    be   imple-
                               Joint   Comn'iittee    endorsed  participating    countries,    and  mented.     Nevertheless,     it
                                                         that's   the   reason   why   I  cannot  already    gives   scientists    a  lot
                                                                                              of   expressing
     r                        172   scientific    projects,    one  give   you   a  full   pichire   about  possibility     ideas    that
                                                                 for   all   the   projects.
                                      for   data   management
                               activities,    and  52  projects   for  I  told   you,   we   have   a  total   of  should   be  very   beneficial    for
                               out-reach    and   education,    mak-  225   projects,    but   how   many   of  future   generations.
                               ing   a  total   of   225.   The   latter  them   will   actually    be  realized
                               are   taking   place   in   schools,  depends   on  funding.    We   shall  Q:  Why   are   you   so  interest-
                               musetnns     and    exhibitions.  have   a  clearer   picture   by   the  ed  in   the   Polar   Regions?
                               Many   of   these   activities     are  end   of  this   yem.
                               closely   linked   to  the  indige-                  I  am   a  Polar   man!   I  spent   one
                               nous   peoples,    because    they  In   fact,   the   IPY   will   last   more  year    at   North    Pole   Station
                               would    like   to   demonstrate  than   one  year-it    starts   in  number    I9   in  1970   and   I  went
                               how   they   live   and   work   with  March   2007    and  goes  on  to  three   times   to  the   Antarctic.    I
                               scientists    to  big    the'+r  tradi-  March   2009.   We   are  ti'ying   to  am   familiar    with   these   places.
                               tional   la'iowledge    and   experi-  cover   all   seasons   -  and  we
                               ence.                      don't   have   the  same   seasons  I    studied     at    the    Marine
                                                          in   the   Arctic    and   the   Antarctic  Academy    and   graduated    as  an
                               Q:   How   do  you   obtain   the  simultaneously.     It    is,    of  oceanographer.    Then   I  worked
                               money?                     course,   an  international    cam-  in   the   Arctic    and   Antarctic
                                                          paign-people    are  going   on  Research     Institute    in   Saint
                               As   you   correctly    surmise,   we  expeditions,    making    observa-  Petersburg    for   twenty   years.
                               depend   upon   money.   Indeed,  tions   at  the  stations,   research  In  the   1980s   we  cai'ried   out
                               we   have   had   some   good   news!  in   laboratories.    Our  privilege    -  so-called    Polar   experiments,
                               Canada,     for    instance,  -  and   maybe   our   most   difficult  but   at  that   time   this   did   not
                               announced    that   it  would   pro-  task-is    to  organize   all  this.  involve   such   a  wide   interna-
                               vide   150   million    Canadian  In   thirty    two   countries    we  tional   participation.    Now   we
                               dollars     to    IPY    projects;  already    have   national    IPY  are    expecting     altogether
                               Norway,     United    Kingdom,  committees,    as  in   Norway    for  50,000   participants    in   the   IPY.
                               Netherlands    and  other   coun-  instance    which    kindly    host
                               tries   provided    substantial    con-  our   session    in   Svalbard     in  Q:  What   is  the   benefit    for
                               tributions    for   IPY.   Even   coun-  September    this   year.  ordinary    people   like   me?
                               tries   that   are   far   away   from   the  These   national    coinmittees    are


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