Page 9 - DIVA_4_2006_No.27
P. 9

We  will   be  able  to  fore-
              cast  what   you   can  expect
              in   the   future.   We   also
              have   a very   optimistic

              view   about    the   natural
              resources   in   the   Arctic.
              An   assessment   has  shown
              that   there   are  a  lot  of  nat-
              riral   resources    in   these
              areas,  but  it  is  not   easy   to
              exploit   them.   However,   as
              scientists    we   hope   that
              this   International    Polar
              Year   will   provide   a  lot  of
              answers   to  questions   and
              how    to    exploit     these
              resorirces,   but   not   damage

              a fragile   polar   environ-
              ment.  Secondly,   we  also
              have   to  look   to  the  future:
              what   will   it  be  like   for
              people   living   there?   We
              are  also  concei'ned   about
              leaving    a  kind    of   IPY
              legacy,   tliat   is  to  say,  the
              systems    we    establish
              should   enable   us  to  pro-
              duce   information    for   a
              decade   or  more   concern-
              ing  climate   change,   eco-
              logical   changes   and  so  on.
              We  are  cui'rently   trying   to
              put   this   in  place-polar
              monitoring    for   decades.
              We  will   provide   knowl-
              edge   about   the   polar   areas
              tliat   forms   scientific    basis
              for   climate   prediction    and
              hydrometeoro   lo  gical
              services   for   social    and
              economic   activities    in  the
              Arctic.   For  this  reason   a
              lot    of    National
              Meteorological     and
              Hydrological     Services
              intent   to  actively   paitici-
                                      brate          World    Q:  If   you  had  a wish

              pate  in  IPY   That's   what
                                      Meteorological     Day,   23  wliat   would   it  be?
              we  can  do  for   people   like
                                      Marcli     2007,    and   tl'ie                good   way   of   facing   tlie
              YOII .  ..
                                      theme   will   be   "Polar  I  remember   when   I  sei'ved  liarshness    of   nature.   I

                                      M  e t  e o r  o l  o g  y  :  at  tlie  ice-drifting    station  would   also  like   them  to

              Q:   Are   you   planning
                                      Understanding     Global  "North    Pole    19"   we  look   at  the  results   of   our
              some   events   for   tlie   gen-
                                      Impacts".               received    lots   of  letters  Polar   Year.   No   matter
              eral   public?
                                                              from    young    people,  what   they   do  later   on  in
                                      Q:  How   can  people   get  schools   girls   and   boys.  their   professional     lives,
              Official     international
                                      information    about    the  They   told    ris  that   they  they   should   tliink   about
             lunch   of  IPY   is  planned   to
                                      IPY?                    would   like   to  come   and  the  way   tl'ie  polar   areas
             be  in  Paris  on   l   Marcli
                                                              spend   some   time   with   us.  affect   orir  daily   lives   in
             2007   and  will   be  done   by
                                      Yori    can    visit    the  So  I  wish   that  one  day  the  rest   of   the  globe.   And
             ICSU   and  WMO.    There
                                      Intei'national     Polar   Year  they   could   come   and  visit  of   course,   I  wisli   to  peo-
             will    be    also    national
                                      website    <>  Noitli    Pole;   not   all,   of  ple  to  look   after   orir   plan-
             events   taking    place   all
                                      where   people   can   find  course!   The   polar   areas  et,    our  wonderful    liome
             over    the    world.     In
                                      information     regarding  are   always   clianging.    If  for   future   generations.
             Geneva,   WMO   will   cele-
                                      projects   and  news.   you   want    to   test   yorir
                                                              endurance,    tlien   it   is  a
                                                                                                   4  2006  Dive  7
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