Page 14 - DIVA_4_2006_No.27
P. 14
I can assrire yori that it is not Malik, Lebanon's Champion
But in tlie end, I cliose
easy to accomplish sucli a of Huinaii Riglits, a fonner
task properly if a mission, as Rappoiteui' anrl President of
ii'i oiu' case, is composed ofa the Coinnussion and the dri-
Q: Since you are a trained
sn'iall team. Difficult as it ving force behind the
lawyer, you ought to be
may be, tlie job liowever Universal Declaration of
happy in Geneva, with its
becomes cliallenging when Human Rights, was a source
negotiations, rules, laws
we follow rip ongoing events of strength to me. In this
and regulations.
in Geneva, are associated respect, tl'ie Universal
with tliem and contribute to Declaration of Huinan Riglits
I am foitiinate to be in
their outcomes. My collea- bears, somehow througli
Geneva. In fact, tliis is tl'ie
gues and I do our best and I Malik, tlie fingei'prints of
cradle of International
leave it to professionals to Lebanon. I ain convinced that
Humanitarian Law and
judge ris upon orir endea- Malik, credited for many
Hunan Rights Laws. I belie-
vours and acliievements. achievements in the field of
ve we are cru'rently at a tiir-
Huinan Rights, wouldn't have
ning point as effoits are
So the matter should not be been successful had it not
deployed i'iot only to promote
pmased iii tenns of preferen- been for his skills lioned in
Hiurian Riglits, btit to respect
ce to "a favouiite organiza- Lebanon, a coui'iti'y tliat
tliem too.
tion". Yet, I believe that the provided the proper environ-
anmial session of the ment for mutiuing his ideas
Q: Do you have a "favouri-
Coininission on Huinan and ideals.
te" organization among the
Rights, replaced by the
international organizations
Hru'nan Riglits Coruicil, was Perhaps Lebanon's main
here in Geneva?
a major event. It iiwolved all challenge as a free coruitiy in
tlie State's people and appara- the intemational arena with a
In Millling orir drities in
tus and reqriired considerable diverse and open society is to
Geneva, we work accordiitg
and tliororigli preparation. I continue to enricli "the liistoi'y
to official iiistitictions wliicl'i
will not be divulging a secret of the spiiit"-if I may qriote
cot-respond to Lebanon's prio-
if I tell you that Dr Charles Malilc's own words.
rities and iiyterests.
42 5 2006 Diva