Page 18 - DIVA_4_2006_No.27
P. 18
A woman holding lier sioting card waits iri line at tlie votirig station at St Anne CathedralinKinshasa,
DRC, 30 Jul)i 2006. (C Tiggy Ridley/IRIN
tliose resources have unfottu- elections but subseqriently. behind it. That's the reason
nately only acci'ued to a vety Tlie new goveriunent facing why people are fighting.
few people, botli witli the tliese great expectations will
couiti'y and abroad. One of require continuing suppott to Alas! That lias been tlie case in
tlie challenges of the new ensure stability in the coun- so maity couitries. Tliat has
govenunent will be to tap ti'y as it gets 011 its feet. been tlie downside of it. The
these resorirces and tl'iis enor- upside is the potential tliat this
moris wealth for the benefit Q: You said that tlie coun- presents for a suffei'ing popula-
of tlie poprilation. And that try has tremendous wealth. tion to be helped by the resour-
will require tlie suppoit of the Who does this wealth ces that are available inside tbe
international comimuffty for belong to? boruidaries of tlieir own cortn-
some years to come. hy.
Tliere liave been a number of
Tlie peacekeeping force, inteniational deals done with Q: Do you personally think
MONUC, remaiiis tlie largest foreign companies, some of that the worst is over?
JN force at present. It has wliicli may well need to be
played an absolutely vital reviewed by the new govem- I'm ceitainly optiinistic, but I do
role in tlie overall process, ment wlien it comes into believe tliat the intei'national
not only in dealing witlt tlie power. Tliis will be their coi'nu'nunity needs to be prepa-
mmm red to continue supporting the
militaiy difficulties resriltittg decision. But it is imperative
from foreign armed groups ii tliat it is an equitable sharing new goveriunent tliat will emer-
tlie East and the militia, but and a transparent process in ge from tl'iese elections, to sus-
also in providing security and tlie extraction of tliese iniite- taiii the poprilation following
suppoit tlu'origliorit the elec- ral resoru'ces, wliicli raiige tliis wliole electoral exercise.
tion process. Tliis lias been from diamonds to gold to We regard the election as being
invatuable to tlie wliole enter- cobalt-practically evety- an essential but not sufficient
prise. Tlie futiire of tlie mis- thing. Tlie ricl'uiess is ama- condition for stability. The
sion needs to be reviewed by ziiig. development of a level of pro-
sperity, at least looking after the
new govei'i'unent. We regard Q: As soon as there is a hot basic needs of the population,
it as impoitaiit that stability spot in Africa, you can be demands a contii'iriing intenta-
be maintained, not lust sure that there are mine- tional commitment. It will
tlirougli the next rorutd of rals and other wealth obviously reqriire tlie new
16 5 2006 Diva