Page 21 - DIVA_4_2006_No.27
P. 21
Taiwan launches New International Medical Team - TaiwanlHA
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On March 30 2006, President Shu-Bian (J)hen and others announced the formal establishment of Taiwan International Health
Action as part of the nation's drive to become a partner for globaf health. In the photo, from 14t to right were former President
of the Taiwan medicalAssociation Yun-tung Wu, Minister of Foreign Affairs James Huang, President Shui-bian Chen, Legislative
Speaker Jin-pyng Fang, Minister of Health Shan-mou Hou and President of the Foundation of Medical professionals Affiance in
Taiwan Shuh-min Wu.
Taiwan International munity, Taiwan has been include volunteer medical tingwithotherintemational
HealthAction was formally actively cooperating in care and other services that humanitarian
established on March 30 intemational health mat- are incalculable. aid institu-
2006, with a vision to pro- tions on medical and health
ters and unfailingly provi-
cooperation and emergency
vide Taiwan with the chan-
ding emergency humanita- In view of the need to medical assistance.
ce to give back to the inter- rian medical aid despite fiuther integrate the manpo-
national community.
certain political obsttuc- wer and equipment availa- Since a[Bi-Har atld its
tions and boycotts. As the ble for international health predecessor's inception,
By integrating and effecti-
medicalteamswedispatch assistance, the Taiwan joint eff@lt3 yith related
vely coordinating the across the world have International Health Oper- agencies have made several
domestic manpower, mate-
never been absent from ations Center (TIHOC), a concrete achievements:
rial resources and equip-
an'i Igge SCale Interllatlo llIllfied inter-deparental @ (,ByBByBd IlByly {J8$200
ment available for health
nal emergency in recent task force, was established million of governtnent and
aid, TaiwanIHA helps years, Taiwan has won in 2004. TIHOC has since
developing countries with private sector donations to
recognition and acclaim been reorganized as Taiwan victims of the 2004 South
their essential medical and
from the international International Health Action ,%iz tsunami
health needs, and provides
commututy. Combu'ied (TalWanlHA) iO make 1$ @ Cooperated with interna-
timely humanitarian aid
public and private sector more streamlined and effi- tionally renowned NGOs
anywhere in the world
contributions to medical cient. on post-disaster
when disasters occur. recovery
and health emergency aid
and reconshuction by sen-
projectsoverthepastdeca- In the process, it has beco- ding Taiwanese gynecolo-
To serve as a responsible
de stand at over US$450 me more extensive and gists to the Maldives to
member of the global com-
million. This sum does not more effective in coordina- assist 'with local medical
5 2006 Diva 19
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