Page 22 - DIVA_4_2006_No.27
P. 22

Jacques   Sawadogo   (second   left),  Burlcina   Faso's   ambassador   to  the Republicof China,

                                     sees  off  a  delegation  from   the  Taiwan   hiternationalHealthAction(TaiwanlHA)taslcforce

                                     April   7  at  Chiang  Kai-shelc  hxteiiyational   aiiport   as  they  leave  for  Burlcina   Faso  to  help
                                     Afirican   natiori   corbaol   an  outbrealc   of  bird j7tt.
                                   needs                   Association   in  l'iolding   the  humanitarian    aid.  Disaster
                                   0   Sponsored   and  conducteel  2006   International    Hospital  relief   knows    no  political
                                   such    events    as   the  Federation    Asian   Pacific  boundaries.
                                   Conference   on  Surgical   Care  Regional   Conference.
                                   and  Practice,   arid  the  Expeit               In  order   to  strengthen   inter-
                                   Review    and   Meetings    on  TaiwanIHA    also  dispatched  national   cooperation   in  tra-
                                   Public   Health   hnpact   of   the  a teain   to  Burkiiig   Faso  in  ditional     medicine,

                                   Tsunami                 Api'il   to  strengthen   measures  Taiwai    convened    the
                                   @ Held   l'iigh-level    medical  for   preventing    avian   flu.  2006    CAM/TM
                                   care  traiiiing   programs   aiid  TaiwanIHA    also    worked  Professional     Training
                                   the   Asia   Pacific   Health  with   tlie   hiten'iational    Centre  Program   from    September
                                   Foiui'n   and  Global   Health  for   Migration     and   Health  19  to  October   2,  2006.   Tliis
                                   Leaders   Forum         (ICMH)    to  jointly   priblish  provided   Taiwaii   with   tl'ie
                                   *   Sent   rapid   response   medi-  avian   flu  prevention   pam-  opportiinity    to   share   its
                                   cal  aid   units   from   public   and  phlets   in  vai'ious   laiiguages.  model   for   aiid   experience   in
                                   piivate   sectors    to   disaster  Tliey   have  been  distributed  developing     traditional
                                   areas  based   on  hru'nanitarian  by  our  embassies   and  repre-  medicine,   aiid  assist  other
                                   considerations    for  Pakistan  sei'itative   offices   abroad,   the-  coruiti'ies   aspii'ing   to  pro-
                                   and   India    after   the   2005  reby   makiiig   concrete   conhi-  mote  traditional   medicine.
                                   eartliquake.            butions   to  the  global   figl'it  The  prograin   gave  Taiwan
                                                           agaii'ist   avian   flu.  tbe  means   to  contribute   to
                                   Althorigh   Taiwai    only                       worldwide     traditional
                                   came   into  being    in   early  In   May    2006,   Taiwat  medical     prirsuits    and
                                   Febiuary   2006,   it has  already  sent  a  first-aid   team  consis-  demonstrate     Taiwan's
                                   been   involved   with    early  ting   of   twenty   rescriers,   six  williiigness     and  capability
                                   response   emergency   medical  medical   professionals   and  a  to  help   coruitries   around  tlie
                                   aid  in  the  Philippines   after  trained    rescue    dog    for  iorld    realize    tlie   World
                                   tlie   mudslide    disaster   of  Indonesia   so  as  to  lielp   vic-  Healtl'i    Assembly's
                                   Febiuaiy   18.  In  the  begin-  tii'ns  of   the  devasting   eaith-  Resotution    on  Traditional
                                   niiig   of  April,   a  TaiwainHA  qualce  that  stiuck   tlie  islat'id  Medicine.
                                   delegation  paiticipated    in  the  of   Java.  Despite   ii'ihrunane
                                   Dubai       International  attempts   by   a  ceitain   counhy  On    December     3-6
                                   Humanitarian     Aid    and  to  pressire   to  Indonesia   to  TaiwanIHA    will   host  the
                                   Development     Conference  declii'ie    Taiwan's    offer,  2006   Global    FOIIIIII   for
                                   aiid   Exhibition.    Later   that  Indonesian   authoiities   wel-  Healtli   Leaders,   witli   a
                                   montb,   TaiwaiiIHA    assisted  comed   ai'id  expressed   their  focus   on  the  "Sustainability
                                   tlie    Taiwan    Hospital  appreciation     of   Taiwan's  of   Global   Healtli".    It  will

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