Page 23 - DIVA_4_2006_No.27
P. 23
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FF7zenmajor earthqualcehit Indonesia in May 2006, TaiwanlHA sent three emergency medical aid teams virith i'escue and
medical equipments to assist with post-disaster reconstruction.
help assess the challenges lffghest attainable standard iiitemational medical sys- for all peoples of the world,
of health professionals and of health is one of the fun- tems and their operations. including the 23 million
sex'vice industi'ies, and work damental i'ights of tlie eveiy people of Taiwan.
toward developiiig viable luunan being without the TaiwanlHA hopes to
solutions to those problems. distinction of race, religion, cooperate with its counter- For further iifforination of
political belief, economic parts and related expeits Taiwan's medical and
TaiwanIHAwill continue to aiid social conditions." coininunities abroad, parti- liealth cooperation, please
pool the resources and cipate effectively iii inter- contact 'aiwanlHA,
manpower of various Globalization increases national medical and healtli
Addiess: 4E 7 Roosevelt
depaitments into one interdependence between aid projects, and demons- Road, Section 1, Taipei,
smoothly functioning or counti'ies. With the outb- trate Taiwan's passion of Taiwan
organization that can reak of SARS aiid tlie tsu- giving back to tl'ie intema-
respond to the challenge of naini in Sorith Asia, tlie tional coininruiity. It is our wvitaiuianiha.oig
globalization and realize principle tliat "medical desire that the inteinational 'el.' 886-2-2341-9600
medical care without bor- health traiiscends national community will recognize Fax: 886-2-2341-5111
ders. TaiwanIHA will crea- boundaiies aiid no gaps caii Taiwan's conh'ibutions to
te a new world of oppoitu- be allowed in intemational the world's medical and
nity for Taiwan to dedicate disease prevention" has public health systems, and
medical aid overseas in become widely accepted encourage Taiwan to fur-
prirsuit of tlie ideals ripheld around the world. The peo- ther conti'ibute to the goal
by WHO Constitution: ple of Taiwan look foiward of attaining tlie highest
"The enjoyment of tlie to actively paiticipating iii liealth riglits and welfare
5 2006 Diva 21