Page 24 - DIVA_4_2006_No.27
P. 24

The   International        Conference         Centre   of   Geneva
                                           (CICG)-a         year   affer   its  reopening

                                                          "Talking   only   about   the  first  without   them   interfeig    with
                               Ayear  ago  the  CICG   reopened
                                                          three  quarters   of   2006,   we  each  other.
                               in  all  its  splendour   affer   being  hosted   far  more   conferences  However,   the  Conference   servi-
                               closed   for   a  twelve-month    reno-  and  events   than   we   had   fore-  ce  business   is  evolving   conside-
                               vation    period    and    CHF38  seen  in  our  plans;  initially  rably   and  we   are   constantly
                               million    of  investments.    Many  104   events   were   going   to  facing   fiercer   competition    from
                               changes   have  been  undertaken  take  place  in  our  premises,  other    European     cities.
                               and  the  Centre   is  ready  to  welco-  whereas   the  actual  number  Nevertheless,   we  remain   opti-
                               me  the  international    community  reached   nearly   150.   We   have  inistic   for   the  year   2007."
                               to  modern   conference   facilities  also  expanded   our  clientele
                               in  Geneva.                 to   include   more   medical,
                                                           phaimaceutical    and  biotech-
                               Since  that  tiine,   the  CICG   has  nical   conferences,    in  addi-
                               hosted   some   148   events  with  t-ion  to  reachiiig   orit  to  the
                               more   than   35,000    participants  private   sector.
                               corresponding    to   an   income
                               approaching    CHF5   inillions.    The  As   a general   trend,   the  events
                               average   duration   of  these  events  tend   to  last  much   longer   than
                               was  just   over   three   days,  which  in  the  past,  an  average   of  3.5
                  c            has  iinportant   implications     for  days,   which    implies    more
                               the  hotel   and  restaurant   trade   in  than   140,000   hotel    niglits.
                  o            the  city   of   Geneva,   explains   Ms  Due   to  tlie  new   sh'ucture   of
                               Isabelle   Aubert,   Director   of   the  the  centre,   we  are  also  capa-
                  U            CICG.                       ble  of  organizing   more   and
                !J!J                                       more   events   siinultaneously

                 22  5  2006  Diva

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