Page 27 - DIVA_4_2006_No.27
P. 27

VeneSS)  ill   IT17 0pilliOn  represent   about  3 or  4%  of  Let  us  exainiiie   whetlier   it  desei'ves  to  be  maintaiiied
              Geneva  is iii  an excellent  tlie  world's   global   saviiigs.  is  sliocking   or  not.  First   of  and  iiitensified.

              position.   When   it  comes   to  Micro-finance     overall  all,   inicro-credit    is   not   a
              the   competitiveness     of  represents  not  more  thaii  a  charitable    affair.   It   is   an  Q:   Do   you   thtnk    that
              futancial   centres,  Geneva   is  total  of  US$  1-2  billion,   so  economic    activity,    and  micro-finance    is  not  well
              subject   to  a  nuinber   of  laws  yori  see  that  it  is  sometl'iiiig  nobody   will   save   tlie  planet  perceived     among    the
              and  regulations   and  does  that  is exckided   for  most  through    charity.Anyone  general   public,   as  we  tend

              not  control    its  attractive-  investors,   tlie   market   is  investing   iii  inicro-finance  to  believe   that   it  is  chari-
              ness.  As  I  told  you  earlier,  siinply   too  small.  receives  a fiiiancial   retui'ii  h,?

              we   are in   a qriasi-direct                  tliat   corresponds   to  tl'iis

              democracy:   it  is  tlien   up   to  On  tlie  otlier   hand,  it  is  a  investinent.   The  retiu'ii   on  It  is  not  charity   at  all.  On
              the  Swiss   population    to  fast  developing   sector  with  inicro-credit   invesh'nents   is  the   contraiy,   the   person
              vote  or  maintain   these  laws  an  annual  growtli   rate  of  30  about   5  or 6% per  anninn    in  boi'rowiiig   these  funds  lias
              or  not.  Each  year,  opiiiion  to  40%.  I  would   also  say  "liard"   currencies   andifyori  to pay tlie  cost of  money   for

             polls   are undertaken   and  that  Geneva  is  well   placed  take  into  consideration   tlie  tlie  loan.  I  do  not  tli*    tliat
              about   80%   of  the  Swiss  in  this   aspect  as we   are  iisk  in  comparison  with   tra-  micro-fuiance   is  perceived

             population   are  in  favour   of  located   at  a  crossroads   bet-  ditional    assets,   it   is   not  as  a  cliaritable   measure   and
             keeping   their   bankiiig   sys-  ween  Nortli   aiid  Soritli.   You  excessive.   Tlius,   one  cai'inot  tlie  aiin  of  all  the  conferen-
             tem  as it  is.  Tlffs   means   that  find  here  also  most  of   tlie  say  that   the   investor   is  ces on  inicro-fuiance   is  to

             the  Swiss  are  iii   favorir   for  intei'national    orgaiiations  taking   advantage   of  tlie  sliow   that  it  is  a  offen  good
             the  time   being  of   maintai-  and    multinationals     tliat  situation.   The  reason   wliy  option  compared   to  other
             ning  the  banking    secrecy  liave  activities   iii   tlie  corui-  the  interest   rate  is  so  lffgli  investi'nents,   especially   for
             which   is  the  confidentiality  tries  ofthe  "Soutli".   Geneva  locally   is  tliat  iii   countries  individuals.    Fuitlierinore,

             offered   to tlie   clients.   It  lias  tlie  natural   vocation   to  wliere    micro-finance     is  investors   in tliese  funds  feel
             does   not   mean   that   the  become    a   competence  taking   place,   tlie   aniuial  that  these  inveshnents   are
             Swiss   financial    centre   is  centre  for  micro-finance.  inflation   rate  can  be  some-  riseful-and    tliat  is  always
             competitive   iii   all  financial             wliere  between   50  or 100%.  valuable   wlien   you   are
             activities,   nevertheless    we  Micro-fuiance    is  sometMng  If  you  have  an  iiiflation   rate  tnvestuig.
             have  an  impoitant   card  to  tliat  can,  to  a  liinited   deg-  oflOO%   and an interest  rate
             play.                   ree,  be  a good  financial  of  50%,  it  is  ahnost   a  gift  to  If  inicro-finance   becomes

                                     support    for    developing  lend  money   at  this  rate.  something   other  than  a pure
             Over   recent   years,  we   liave  coui'itiies.   It  provides   tlie  economic   profit-oriented
             been  discussing   iiitegration  possibility    of   a  parallel  The  iitterest   rate  is  not  real-  investinent,   then  it  lias  no
             with  the  Europeaii   Union  banking  system   iii   countries  ly  a  problem   ii'i  itself  as tlie  chance  of  succeeding.   hi

             and   the   bilateral   agree-  wliere   the  banks  belong   to  economic   returii   is  so  lugh  sumi'naiy   inicro-fuiance   is
             ments  reaclied   were  rather  tlie  State  or  tlie   "system"  in  tliese  countries   tliat  the  a good  way  iii   lielping   a

             positive    for  tlie   financial  and  cannot   play   the  role  of  box-rowers   reimburse   the  cotmtry   to  set  up  small   pri-
             centre  iii   Switzerland.   We  efficient    distributor     of  loan  veiy   qriickly.   hi  gene-  vate  compa+ues,  to create

             were  able  to  maiiitaii'i    orir  financing.   This   is  better  ral,  tliese  loans  are reii'nbur-  social  capital.   But  it  lias  to
             major   advantages.  So  I  do  peifoi'ined   by  NGOs  and  sed  within   a  maxiimun   of  be based  on  optiinal   resour-
             not  tli*    that  tlie   Swiss  micro-credit   iiistitutions.   I  six  to  twelve   montlis.   The  ce  allocation   and  profit.   If
             financial   cent'e   lias  lost  its  believe   that  tlffs   type   of  added   value   realised   is  you  overlook   tlffs  aspect  it
             position,   nor  its  potential.  financiiig,   even  if   it  is  of  qriite  lffgh,   as tliere   is  a  will   ti.irn  orit  to  be  a bad

             On  tlie   contrai'y,   it   may  liinited   capacity,   desei'ves  general   lack   of  capital,   the-  uweshnent.
             liave   consolidated   it.  to  be  continued  ai'id  Geneva  refore  if  you  have   fiuids
                                     should   stand  orit  as one  of  yori  can  make  tliem  work  Q:  Do  you   think  this   is  the

             Q:  Why   did  you  agree   to  the  centres  for  micro-finaii-  veiy   qriickly.   The  rates  of  best  way  to  help  develo-
             organize   the  seminar   last  ce  iii   the  world.  repayment    are   in    fact  ping   countties?
             year   on  micro-credit?    Is  it             lffgher  iii   these   coruitries
             an  important    subject   for  Q:  Some  time   ago  I  was  than  iii  ricli   coruiti'ies;   they  No,  tlffs  is  just  one  way.
             JOu?                    present   at  a  press  confe-  are  close   to  96%.   For  Intei'national    cooperation
                                     rence   about   micro-credit.  instance,   among  the  300  lias  to  be  tlie  major   source,

             Yes,  very   mucli   so. It  is  an  I  was   shocked   to  learn  leadiiig   inicro-credit   insti-  tlien  pi'ivate  direct  iiwest-
             asset rather  liinited   in  quan-  that   the   interest   rates  rations,  you  will   fuid  that  ments   from  multinational
             tity,   if   I  could   express  charged   for  these  loans  tlie  reimbursement   rates  are  compai'iies.   Microfinance   is
             myself    tliis    way.    In  were  something   behveen  lffgher   than  tbose  of   com-  on  a  smaller   scale.
             Switzerland    we   manage  50  and  100%.   Where   is  mercial   banks  iii   rich  corin-
             aborit  4,000  billion   Swiss  the  charity?  tries.  Tlffs  shows  that  this  is
             francs,    and   Switzerland                   an impoitant   exercise  and

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