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                                                                                      were   one   of  tlie   first   credit   ruii-
               positioned    to  develop   respon-  iy   in  2007   we  are  focusiiig    all  {JNFCU    Travel   Services",    an
                                                                                      ons    to    introduce     Intei'net
               sive   policies   and   guidance   for  of   oir   collective    energies   on  online   travel   searcli   engine
                                                                                      Banking   and  tlie   mu'nber   of
               Management    to  translate   into  sei'vice.   The  opening   of   new  witli   discouited    rates  tliat   cai'+
                                                                                      members   wlio   take   advantage
               appropriate    financial    products  offices   and  orir   visits   to  diver-  be  rip  to  30%   as  a  result.
                                                                                      of    online    sei'vices    like
               and   levels   of  service.  se  locations   are  extensions   of
                                                                                      eStatementsTM     contiiu+es   to
                                      the  {JNFCU    mission:   Sei'viiig  O.'  As  it  isyour    mission,   Ixoyv
                                                                                      grow   above   intkishy    averages,

               Q.' YVhatare   3.iour  Long-r'arige  tlie   people   who   serve   tlie  (/O  )iou   ensm'e   that   Serving   t1ie
                                                                                      as  does   oir   intemational    mem-
               plans   iri  Genesia?  world   by   enriching    tlie   liyes   of  Peolile   Wlio  Sersiethe World@

                                                                                      bersliip   -  now   at  54%.   Of  coir-
                                       its  i'nembers.        isyour  stcdf 'members7focus?
                                                                                      se,  orir   Representative    Offices
               Above   all,  we   want   to  become
                                                                                      iii   Egope   and   Africa   lielp   LIS

               the  priinary   financial   institu-  Q.' Myat are 3iour plans  for  Everyone   WIIO  joins   tlie  staff

                                                                                      span  time   zones   and  our   liai-
               tion    for    orir   members     in  2007?    of   {JNFCU    knows   the  credit
                                                                                      son  representatives    in  15  corm-
               Geneva   and  to   tliat   end   are           union   difference   - set"vice  -

                                                                                      tries   provide    additional    sup-
               developing    plans   to  offer   fiill-  We  are  ripgrading    our   compu-  and  orir   rigorous   traiimg    pro-
               service   banking.   We   also   liave  ter   systems   whicli    we   call  grams   lielp   reinforce    staffs'
               an  expei'ienced    team   iii   place  Systeins   Advantage'   M  to  offer  con'unihnent    to  sei'vice   excel-

                                                                                      Q.' Is  3iow  board  of director:s

               led   by   Khalid    Glierzeddine,  orir   i'nembers   new   products,  lence.   As   a member-owned
                                                                                      imerwrtional    as  yiiell?
               Manager     of    tlie    Geneva  sei'vices,   special    offers   and  institiition,    we  report   directly
               Representative    Offices.  promotions    in  tlie   near   fiitiire.  to  oir   meiribers   wlio   are  orir
                                                                                      In   2005,    {JNFCU    members
                                      When    complete,     Systems  mnnber   one  pi'iority.   UNFCU
                                                                                      elected    Joyce    Barbaricli,
               Q.'    How    do   yoxi   determine  Advantage   will    enhance   oir  lias  a  custoinized    training    pro-
                                                                                      Treasrirer   of   IAEA   in  Viei'uia
               u'lyer'e   to  exparyd   riext?  existing     Intei'itet     and  gram   called   BEST   whicli,
                                                                                      to  orir   board   of  directors.   Joyce
                                      Telephone   Banking    platfonns,  stands   for   Biinging    Excellence
                                                                                      is   our   first   intemationally-
               We    look    to    where    large  as  well   as  our   credit   card   offe-  to  Sei'vice   and  Teamwork    and
                                                                                      based    board    member     and
               concentrations    of  our  members  iings.   In   fact,   UFSTFCU   will  everyone    across   the   entire
                                                                                      {JNFCU    lias   be+iefited    from
               are  located,   conduct   extensive  soon   be   introducing    a  new  organization    is  iiwolved    iii   tlie
                                                                                      lier   overseas   perspective.   (ur
               research   and  deteimine   cost,  Eriropean   gift   cards   program  ti'aining   program.
                                                                                      board   members   represent   six
               support   and  resorirces   for   the  witli   inajor    retailers.     Also
                                                                                      different    nationalities    and  also
               new   facility.    We  recruit   staff  debuting    is   a  double-reward  Q.'  Pi'7iat ar'eyour   plans   to pm-
                                                                                      liave   )'iad  significant    expei'ien-
               from   tlie   area.  When   we   seek  point    special    offer    this  vide   otjier   seniices?
                                                                                      ce  sei'viiig   tlie   {JN   and  its  spe-
               to  open   ai'i  office,   we   work   clo-  October.   In  New   York,   we  are
                                                                                      cialized   agencies   globally.
               sely   with   our   sponsor,   the   UN,  moving   our  back   office   staff  A:  We  are  working    to  provide
               as  well   as  with   local   govem-  located   in  multiple    locations   in  inveshnent    advisory    sei'vices
                                                                                      Q.'  Wkrt    hcrs  the   iristitution
               tnet'it   and   banking    autlioi'ities.  New   York   to  a  new   building  in  Switzerland    in   tlie  near   fiitu-
                                                                                      lear'ned     (about     tlie    UN
                                      across   tlie   river   from   tl'ie  {JN   in  re.  This   way,   we  can  provide
                                                                                      conmumihi)    tdter   60years?
               While   we  have   no  iininediate  Long   Island   City,   Queens.   Tlffs  orir  members   witli   professional
               plans   to  open   additional    offi-  will   allow   us  to  erffiance   opera-  inveshnent    advice   tailored   for
                                                                                     Be   flexible.    Be   responsive.
               ces  in  new   locations,   we  are  tional   efficiencies    globally.  intemational    staff   and  provide
                                                                                     And   go  above   and  beyond   to
               constantly    striving    to   reacli          a broad   range   of   iiiveshnent

                                                                                     sei've   inembers.   We  recognize
               members   at  outlying    duty   sta-  Our   plai'is  also  include   conti-  options   based   on   members'
                                                                                     tliat   oir   members   ha've  special
               tions.   From   orir  bases   of  opera-  nued    educational     effoits    to  shoit-   and   long-range    goals.
                                                                                     needs:   many   liave   transient
               tions    in    Viei'u'ia,    Geneva,  infonn   members   about   cui'rent
                                                                                     posts   and   work    in   remote
               Nairobi   and  Rome,   we  made  events   in  tlie  fuiancial   news,  Q.' How   do  yorr   rrspond   to

                                                                                     locations.   Sei'ving   them   to  tlie
               visits   last  year   to  duty   stations  such  as tl'ie  need   to  save  for  member queriesfiom  several

                                                                                     best   of   orir   capability    reqriires
               in  London,   Boiui,   The   Hague,  retirement   and  liow   to   safe-  time   20/I('S   au'ali?
                                                                                     agility.   hi   slioit,   we   strive   to  be
               Arusha,   Kainpala,    Kigali,    as  guard   against   identity   tlieff.
                                                                                     paitners   witli   oir  members   and
               well   as  Copenhagen,    Bi"uidisi            We  expanded   orir   Call   Centre
                                                                                     tlie  constant   in  tlieir   lives   -

               and    Trieste.    We    provided  Q.' lbu  state tliat  )iori off;r  horirs   to   inck+de   Saturdays

                                                                                     being   attimed   to  rii'iique   needs,

               members   witli   an  oppoitunity  71exible pr'ograms.  How  is  fi'om   07:00-15:00    (7:00   a.m.  -
                                                                                     liaviiig   a  strong-sei'vice    oi'ien-
               to  obtain   ripdates   and   educatio-  UNFCUable    to  do  this?  3:00   p.m.   EST)   and  cu'rently
                                                                                     tation   and  contimially    seelcing
               nal  infonnation    on  a  range   of          operate   Monday    -  Friday   fi'om
                                                                                     value-added     business
               financial    topics,   open   new  While   we   are   considered    a  04:00-22:00    (4:00   a.m.   -  10:00
                                                                                     relationsliips    to   benefit    our
               accormts    and   ask   questions  large  credit   ui'iion   witli   more  p.m.   EST).   Members   can  also
                                                                                     members-   wlietl'ier    tl'iese   are
               during    office   liours.   As   a  tlian   $2.3  billion   in  assets  and  reacl'i   us   toll-free    fi'om   19
                                                                                     witli    GlobalPlione     Coi'por
               result,   we  l'iave   added   Frencli  270   staff   members,    we   are  iiitei'i'iational    locations.
                                                                                     ation   or  leaders   iii   teclu'iology
               and   Spanisl'i   speaking   Member  nimble-tliat    is  we  can  take
                                                                                     working    for   ris   beliii'id    tlie
               Service   Representa    tives   to  orir  member     suggestions     into  I  believe   we  were   also  aliead
                                                                                     scei'ies.  At   tlie   sai'ne  tiine,   we
               Call   Cenh'e.         consideration    and   t)iei'i   offer  of  several   financial    iiistitutions
                                                                                     liave   realized   tlie  impoitance
                                      flexible   progi'ams   to  lielp   siin-  in   offering    WebChatTM,    an
                                                                                     of  making   a  positive   difference
               In  the  near  and  far  ten'n,   our  plify   their   busy   lives   and   meet  online   sei'vice   that   enables
                                                                                     by    suppoiting     charitable
               focus   is  providing    oritstanding  tlie   needs   of  a  rmiqrie   and  members   to  obtain   answers   to
                                                                                     giving    progi'an'is    in   Geneva
               member-sei'vice    and  products  trai'isient   con'u'nru'ffty.   For   tliis  tlieir   qriestions    in   real-time
                                                                                     and   arormd   tlie   world.   We  loolc
               to  lielp   members   yoring   and  reason,   we  conducted   extensi-  from    a   Member     Sei'vice
                                                                                     foi'ward   to  anotlier   60  years   of
               old   reacli   tlieir   financial    goals.  ve  iriarket   researcli   iii-liouse    of  Representative.    WebCliat   lias
                                                                                     serving    tlie   {JN   commrinity
               Members   are  the  lifeblood    of  orir   membersl'iip    and   results  proven   to  be  one  of   orir   most
                                                                                     around   tlie   world!
               '[JNFCU    and  as  tlie   institution  ii'icluded   tlie  launcli   of   a  new,  poprilar     initiatives,     saving
               approaches   its  60tli   anniversa-  discorinted   h'avel  prograi'i'i   -  ineinbers   tiine   and  money.   We
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