Page 25 - DIVA_4_2006_No.27
P. 25

Interview           with   Ivan   Pictet,

                                    Senior   Managing     Partner,   Pictet   and   Cie,
                                             A  Private   Bank   in  Geneva

                                                     i   S'

              He  is  the  eighth   gene-  Q:   So,   Mr.   Pictet,   who   are  key   econotnic     players    in  ral   more   years   President    of
              ration   of  a  well-known  you?               Geneva.                 tlie   Foruidation    for   Geneva;
              banking   family   whose                                               and  now   President   of   the
              roots    go   back   to  fif-  I'm   a  private   banker   from   a  Q:   You    are   involved     in  Geneva   Financial     Centre.
              teenth        century   fan'iily   profoundly    ancho-  both    the    Geneva  All   three   functions    have   the
              Geneva.    His   name   is  red   in   Geneva    for   more  Financial    Centre   and   the  coininon    objective    of   get-
              well-known    in  the   inter-  than   500   years.   I'm   the  Foundation     for    Geneva.  ting   the   message    across
              national   community    -  senior    managing     parhier;  What    are   reasons   behind  about   tl'ie  huge   potential    of
              both  for  having   chaired  whicl'i   iinplies   that   I  am  at  this?  this   small   town-Geneva    -
              the    Foundation     for  tlie   head   of   a  pi'ivate   banlc      -  wlffcli   is  not  taken   enougli
              Geneva     and    the  cai'rying    my   name   and  It  is  a  tradition    in  Geneva  advantage     of,    in    my
              Geneva      Financial  wlffch   celebrated    its  200tli  that   people   wear   different  OplnlOll
              Centre,    and   lately   in  aniffversaiy    last   year.  liats.   Several   are  involved
              supporting     the   semi-                     in   politics,    for   instance,  Q:   In   order   to  "exploit
              nar   on    micro-credit  I  am  proud   of   being   the  wlffch   lias   notlffig    to   do  Geneva    to   its   maximum",
              hosted    by  Geneva   in  eightli   generation    cai'iyiiig  witli     tlieir    professional  what   ts  needed?
              2005  during   the  cele-  on   tliis   tradition.    Today,  lives.   Some   are  coi'icei'ned
              brations  for  the   sixtieth  Pictet   &   Cie   liappens   to  be  with    the  inilitary.    So   my  First   of   all,   since   we  are
              anniversary     of    the  tlie   biggest   pi'ivate   bank   iix  extra-professional    activity    -  liying     iii   a  quasi-direct
              United   Nations.    Like  Switzerland.    It   is  a  speciali-    - if   yori   caii   call   it  that   -  democracy,    sucli   as  tlie   one
              any   banker   he  is  disc-  zed   bank;   in  fact   the   largest  consists     of    promoting  existing    in   Switzerland,     I
              rete,  but   kindly   accep-  European     independent  Geneva.   First,    I    was   for  tliink   we   liave   ii'i  a  ceitaiii
              ted   to   meet   with   us  asset   manager,   botli   iiistitu-  several   years   President   of  way   "to   explain   Geneva"   to
              despite   his  busy   sche-  tional   and   pi'ivate,   it  biings  tlie   Cliamber    of  Coininerce  the   citizens    of   Geneva,
              dule.                  me   to  be  seen   as  one   of  the  and   hidushy;    then   for   seve-  since   tliey   are  tlie   ones   wlio
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