Page 28 - DIVA_4_2006_No.27
P. 28

@ yrcuo

                                   UNFCU   Expands                    Member-Service

                                       to  Best   Serve   UN  Community

                                                     Interview    with   Daniel   Ptacek,
                                                 Vice   President    of   Branch   Operations

                                            (Fr'om  left to  riglit)  K)ialid   Glierzeddirie,  Manager;  UNFCUGeneva
                                           Representative  Offices,  and Arnaud  Ripert  arid  Timoth)i  Challeri,  UNFCUMember
                                           Service Representatives,  at  the  neur  UPJFCU office  at Palais  des Nations.
                                Having    launched     a  Repre-  at  the  duty   station.   Additionally,  Q.'  How  do )iou   reacJr  out   to  other
                                sentative    Office    in   Rome,  orir  volrinteer-liaison   representati-  rnember's   dii'rctlv   and   lcnow  what
                                expanded    its   presence    in  ve  in  Bonn   and  The  Hagite   serve  thev  want?
                                Geneva,   introduced    an  inter-  as  key   poiiits   of  contact   for   mem-
                                national    travel    service    as  bers  there  and  we  are  exploffig  We  continually   reqriest   members'
                                well    as   added    multi-lingual  possible   additions   to  tlie  liaison  feedback   througli   su'veys,   during
                                representatives    in   its   Call  teain   in  Europe.   {JNFCU   Liaison  educational   workshops,   via  oru'

                                Centre   - and   all  of  this   last  Representatives    are   based   in  newsletters   and  online   coinmru'ff-
                                spring,     United     Nations  varioris   UN   and   UN   agcncy  cations   becarise  wc  want   to  stay
                                Federal     Credit     Union  offices.              attiuied   to  tl'ieir   needs.  Volunteer-
                                (UNFCU)   is  taking   its  seivice                 liaison   representatives   located   in
                                mission    to  new   levels.   DIVA  Orir  overall   approach   is  to  conti-  15  diverse   locations    inctuding
                                recently    interviewed     Daniel  i nially   reqriest   member   feedback,  Bonn,   Bangkok,   Santiago,   Cairo,
                                Ptacek,    vice   president     of  ii riplement   programs   as tliey   are  Montreal,   Harare,   Dar   es  Salaam

                                Branch   Operations    and   a  19-  possible,   and  enl'iance  members'  and  Ai'uslia   also  provide   us  with
                                year   veteran    of  the   institu-
                                                          overall   experience   -  wlietl'ier   it  be  insiglit    on   paiticular    qriestions
                                tion,   to   learn   more    about
                                                          accessing   yoru'  accounts   via  ou'  and  wliat   members   want-pro-
                                UNFCU's    overseas    initiatives
                                                          website,    rising    Teleplione  duct  and  sei'vice  offei'ings,   new
                                and  upcoming    plans   for   its
                                                          Banking   or  mal<ing   travel  plans  Intemet    Banlcing    featiires,   you
                                60th   anniversary    year.
                                                          tl'u'origli   UNFCU   Travel   Sei'vices.  nairie   it.
                                Q.'  What   is your   business   stratr5y

                                                          In  tei'ins  of   tlie  big  picture,   we  Additionally,    to  create  a dfiect
                                in  Eumpe?
                                                          expect   to  offer   accorints   iii   Swiss  lii*   to   orir  board  of  directors,
                                                          francs   and  eiros   -  and  tlffs  is  in  {JNFCU    recently   named   six

                                We   sh'ive  to provide    inembers
                                                          direct   response   to  mei'nber   sur-  member-volunteer     Regional
                                witl'i   outstandiitg   sei'vice  no  mat-
                                                          veys.   We  want  to    continue   to  Advisors,   two   eacli   from   Geneva,
                                ter  wliere   tliey  are located  and

                                                          gi'ow   our  ii'itei'national   members-  Nairobi   and  Vienna.   In  Geneva,
                                liave  developed   different   strate-
                                                          liip  and  fill   a  need  witli   multiple  our    Regional    Advisors     are
                                gies  to  best  sei've  tlieir  needs.  For
                                                          cui'rency     accormts    and    are  Armands   Cakss,   Program    and
                                example,   several   tliousand   of  our
                                                          worlitg    to  acliieve   tliis   end.  &idget     Officer,    Financial
                                members    are   located    across                  Resorirces   Management   Sei'vices,
                                Eairope.   For   this  reason,   we  ope-

                                                          Q.' How  did  tlie nesp'office in  {JNOq   and  Micliael   J. Dudley,

                                rate   Representative    Offices   in
                                                          Rome   come  about?       Head,    Investigations     Unit,
                                Gei'ieva,   Vieiina   and   are    veiy
                                                                                    UNHCR.   Tlieir   email  addi'esses
                                pleased  to  liave   just  opened  an
                                                          We  liave  more   tlian   2,000   mem-  are    and
                                office   in  Rome.   Responding   to

                                                          bers  iii   Rome   aiid  inany   expres-  D  u  d  l  e y  @  u  n  h  c  r.  o r  g,

                                members'   reqriests   for   greater
                                                          sed  strong   interest   iii  orir   liaviitg   a  respectively.   Regional   Advisors
                                convenience,   we  opened  a  tliird
                                                          face-to-face    presence.   {JNFCU  are  responsible   for  providing   an
                                office    iii   Geneva   at  Palais  des
                                                          recniited    and   ti'ained   staff   and  open,  two-way   flow   of  coini'nuni-
                                Nations   last  spring.   We  develop   a
                                                          tliey  are  ready  to  operate  as a  cation   between   tlie  Board   and  tlie

                                pliysical   presence   wlien   tliere   are
                                                          Representative   Office.  membersliip.     Based   on   tlieir
                                large  concentrations   of   UN   staff
                                                                                    feedback,   tlie  Board   will   be  better
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