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cation,   so  to  register   a  per-  spective,    to   suppoit    the
               son  needed   five   people   to  Coininission    we   obviously
               attest   that  they   were   who  needed   to  find   the  resour-
               they   said  they   were.    The  ces,  to  provide   the  tecl'ini-
               registration    process   invol-  cal  support   and,   indeed,   on
               ved   equipment    that   weigh-  the   actual   day   to  pay   some
               ted   85    kilos,    including     a  260,000   electoral   workers
               computer,    digital    cameras  and   some   74,000   police   in
               and   means   of  taking   finger  a    coru'ihy    which    has   no
               pits.    To  this,   of   course,  b anks    and    no    reliable
              you   had   to  add   a  generator  means    of   payinent.    So    it
              and  fuel   for   the  generator.  was   quite   a  logistical    exer-
              If  you   ran   out   of  ink   for   the  cise.   For   this   operation    the
              ptinter   or  of   cards   for   the  mission    had   the   use  of   100
              voters,   you   could   not  nu'i  aircraft,   including    helicop-
              down   to  the  local   store   to  ters.   The   results   of  these  Soldiers from  tlie  United Nations  Organisation  Mission  iri
              buy     some     more.  elections    have   just    been  the  Democratic Republic  of  tJie   Corigo   (MONUC)  watching
              Everytl'i'ig    liad   to   be   airlif-  ginounced.    For   the  presi-  over  a  camp   of  iyiterrially  displaced people  (IDPs)  in   Ituri,
                                                               tlie  north-eastern  regiori   of  tlie Democratic  Republic  of  the
              ted   in.  We   were   veiy   plea-  dential    elections,    which
                                                                            Corigo   (DRC).   (c   IRIN
              sed  with   the  result   and   we  eveiybody     had    been
              felt   that   tlffs   exemplified  concentrating    on,   no  candi-  months.   You   cannot   build  iiwolved     in   traiiiing    pro-
              the    entliusiasm     of   tlie  date  obtained   the  required  or  rebuild   a  countiy    on  the  grainines   in  both   of   these
              population    to  move   ahead  50%   +  1.   It  is   essentially  basis  of   dead   bodies,   and  areas,   wliere   tlie   rule   of  law
              after   so  many   years   of  inis-  based   on  the   French   electo-  that   remains   a   veiy   impor-  needs   to  be  re-established.
              i'iile.                ral   system,    whicli    meaiis  tant   dimension.  A   reliable    and   effective
                                     that   we   now   have   two   can-             public   sei'vice   also   needs   to
              We   were   first   involved  didates   in   a  riu"i-off   that   will  The   DRC   has  been   for   so  be  put   back   in  place,   as
              with   a  nation-wide    referen-  talce   place   at   the   end  of  long    a   "non-place".  well   as,  of  course,   employ-
              dui'n   on  a  Constitution    that  October.  Unfortunately,     with    tlie  ment    opportunities,     a
              few   people   in  the  countiy                exception    of   a  couple    of  liealtli    system   and  so  on.
              liad   ever   seen,   but   tl'iey   did  For   the   NationalAssembly,  coruitries    and   institutions,  We  are  in  tlie  process   of
              know    tliat   they   had   to  we   are  receiving    the   results  nobody   believed   that   any-  working    witli   Congolese
              adopt    tlie    Constitution  at  tlie   present   time.   I  tliink  thing    useful    could    be  counterparts     and    donor
              before   going   on  to  the   next  tliat   over   60%   liave   now  achieved.   We   liope   that   tlie  orgai'iizations    to   see   wliat
              phase-tlie    election.   Over  beei'i   elected   and  will   be  elections,    and   the   eiillru-  kiird   of   iininediate    results
              two-tlmds     of   tlie  popula-  aiuiounced    in  the  course   of  siasm   sliown   by   tlie   popu-  can   be   acliieved    by   tlie
              tion  turned   out   and  aii   over-  the  comiixg   weeks.   We   are  lation   for   tl'ie  elections,    will  goveriunent.     We    are
              whelming     82%    voted    in  moviiig    aliead   well.  encorirage    the   ii'itei'national  concemed    that   tlie   popula-
              favour   of   the  Constitution.               coininunity    to   be   more  tion   will    liave   too   great
             The   first   election   then   took  Meanwhile,    liowever,    tliere  foitbcoming     both    on   tlie  expectations     after   tliese
             place   at  tl'ie  end   July   2006  is   no   doubt    tliat    at    the  hui'nanitariaii    and,  indeed,  elections,    aiid   it   is  therefore
             to  decide   two   thiiigs:    tlie  moment    the   DRC    repre-  tl'ie  reconstruction    side.   We  impoitaiit    that   the  govern-
             clioiceofpresident;    andthe  sents   one   of  the   worst  haye   launched   an  liui'nmii-  ment   cai'i  demonstrate    that
             composition     of    tl'ie  liumanitai'ian    catastroplies  tarian   appeal   for   some  tliere   is  value   in  the  demo-
             National     Assembly.    The  anywhere    ii'i  the   world.  US$700   million,    of   wliicli  cratic   process.     It   must
             presidential     election    l'iad             we   liave   received    aborit  sl'iow    tlie   population     that
             thirty-tbree    candidates,    and  A   study   cai'ried   orit   by   the  US$240  million    at  the   pre-  tlieirs   lieves   will   be  iinpro-
             tlie   National    Assembly    liad  American     NGO,     tlie  sent  time.   Mucl'i   more    is  ved.
             9,700    caiididates    for    500  International     Rescue  needed    to   address   tliese
             seats.  In  Kinsliasa    the   bal-  Coini'nittee,    publislied     in  needs.  Havii'ig   said   that,   tl'ie  DRC
             lot   was   six   pages   long   with  tlie   Bi'itisli   medical   jouanal  is   not  a  corintiy   that   will
             some   800   candidates    for  The   Lancet,    sliows   tliat  But   we   must    add   to   the  need   assistaiice   forever.   It
             seventeen   seats.   Tlie   voting  tliere   are   1,200   people  raiige   of  tl'iings   to  be  done.  lias  iininense    inineral   aiid
             took  place   at  50,000   votii'ig  dying   eveiy   day  in  DRC,  Tlie   DRC,    after   so   many  timber   wealtl'i.   Tlie   dilem-
             stations   across   tlie   cormhy  beyond   wliat   would   be  tlie  years   of  neglect   and   misru-  ma  lias  been   that,  on  tliis
             iii   12,000   different    locali-  noi'inal   expectation    of  mor-  le,  is   in  a   situation   wliere  liuge   and   extremely    rich
             ties.                  tality.   So  tl'iat   meai'is   a  loss  the   ai'iny   and   the   police  laiid,    we  find   one  of   the
                                    of  life   equivalent     to   tlie  need    to    be   completely  poorest   populations    of   the
             From   a  United   Nations   per-  Asian   Tsruiaini   eveiy   five  refoi'ined.    We   liave   been  world.     Tlie   benefits     of

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