Page 13 - DIVA_4_2006_No.27
P. 13
Interview with
Gebran Michel Soufan
Ambassador and Permanent Representative of
Lebanon to the United Nations Office and other
International Organizations in Geneva
After seven years abroad, I to Lebanon to fill the post Minister of Justice. One of
was called back for other of Director of Intemational the universal tniths I learned
duties in Beirut at the Affairs at the Depariment in tis law Finn is tl'iat only
Departinent of hitemational of Political Affairs and at a ignorant people vouch to be
Organizations, as well as later stage to be Director of completely lcnowledgeable.
workiixg for tlie Office of the the Minister's Cabinet. I In life, in some respect, we
Minister. In July 1990, I was was promoted t6 the ate always shidents, mespec-
appointed couitiellor at the ambassadorial rank in tive of how much we know;
Lebanese Embassy in October 2000 and appoin- besides, there should be no
Washington, DC. Dunng my ted in November 2003 as concessions on values.
five years there, I acquired a Ambassador, Peimanent
His Excellency lias liad a vast expei'ience in World Representative of Lebanon Q: Do you regret not
busy suininer. Indeed, when Affairs and was particularly to the United Nations having continued your
the 12 July War broke out bet- involved in the peace process Office and other career as a lawyer?
ween Hezbollah and Israt,l, negotiations between the International Organizations
Ambassador Soufan was concenied Arab Countries, in Geneva. That's a good question!
about to leave on holiday, but incktding Lebanon, and Sometimes, I wonder whe-
liad to cancel his plans.
Israel. The thi'ust of my work, However, before embra- ther I shorild haye left my job
Instead, he spent his suinmer concerniiig bilateral relations cing my diplomatic career, in the pi'ivate sector, because
rushing to meetings, wrzttng between Lebanon and the I was being trained as a the lawyer in me always pre-
reports, preparing for the USA, was witli the Executive lawyer at the firin of Mr vails. Yet, sometii'nes in life,
second special session of the Branch.
Fouad Boutros, a forzner we must adapt to unforeseen
Human Riglits Council Minister ofForeignAffairs, circiunstances. We experien-
convened on 11 Arigust 2006
My next position was Consul and liis then associate Dr ce a dileinina and we have to
to address the Israeli viola-
General of Lebanon ui Los Baige Tabbarah, a mem- choose. hnpoitant decisions,
tions of Huinan Rights and
Angeles from Januaiy 1995 ber of the Lebanese coinmittiiig you a wliole new
Intei'national Humanitanan till May 1999. I then rehuned Parliament and a former future, are not easy to tnake.
Law iii Lebanon. hi sum, tt
was a siuniner full of anxiety,
stress and action.
Q: Mr Ambassador, what is
your background?
I staited my diplomatic career
in Januaiy 1978. For two
years, I worked at the
Lebanese Ministi'y of Foreign
Affairs and Emigrants in
Beirut as an attacM. Then I
was appoiitted to the New
York Mission. My assign-
ment lasted five years. Ill
November 1984, I was trans-
fei'red to the Embassy of
Lebanon iii Austria. While in
Vienna, I was a non-resident
Cliarg6 d'affaires for Hringaiy
where Lebanon lias culhiral
and coininercial interests.
5 2006 Diva 11