Page 10 - DIVA_4_2006_No.27
P. 10
The Role of Satellite observation in the
Lebanese Crisis
kry High Resolution (VHR) imagery showing the same
area of Beirut before and afler air strikes. Copyright
European Space Imaging.
Courtesy UNOSAT
UNITAR was iiivolved in advantages such as Israel and produced a
objectivity, monitoring of detailed map of the entire
the recent Middle East cri-
locations not accessible counhy based on availa-
sis through its operational
to staff due to security ble public information.
satellite applications
problems, and ripdated
prograinine {JNOSAT.
information on road When tlie Task Force on
networks and their cur- Lebanon was established
Immediately after the
rent state. and dedicated funding
beginning of hostilities, in
was secured, UNOSAT
July 2006, UNOSAT
Helping Humanitarian begun producing more
received requests for
Relief detailed maps and issued
satellite imagery of the
daily updates illustrating
areas of Lebanon affected
The liumanitarian all the incidents and their
by tlie crisis. These
implications of the crisis exact locations. One
requests came from both
appeared more serioris as UNOSAT staff was on the
UN agencies and
the hostilities progressed. ground in Lebanon to
international NGOs that The first maps realised assist in tliis work and
o had previorisly rised rising satellite imagery validate maps produced in
processed at the {JN0- Geneva.
2 relief coordination and SAT operational compu-
impact assessment.
ting centre liosted at Supporting Recovery
CERN were provided to
Satellite imagery is
OCHA and other Satellite deriyed mapping
frequently rised to support
members of tlie Inter- plays an impoitant role in
and organize emergency
Agency Standing post crisis situations
assistance in case of natu-
Committee (IASC) to becarise it allows to visua-
ral disasters because it
support tlie planning of lise complex infori'nation
produces rapidly infonna-
lirunanitarian relief to combining geographic
tion on large territorial
populations in Sorithei'ii features witli socio-
surfaces. However, in tlie
Lebanon. {JNOSAT map- economic data and salient
case of crises involving
2 conflict situations, eartli ped incidents and facts regarding tlie crisis.
obsei'vation fi'om satellite bombings in tlie region In the case of Lebanon,
along tlie border with tl'iis included displaced
offers other distinctive
8 5 2006 Dive