Page 11 - DIVA_4_2006_No.27
P. 11

Situation      Along     the   Border      40,000   IDF   soldlais    positioned    along   the
                                                            border    In  preparation    liir   laigo   scale
                 of   Lebanon      and    Israel            ground    operations    140   August    200)1)

                   Example  of  situation  map  elaborated  fiom.  satellite  and ptibiic  sources.In grey  a1on.gtlie  coast  the  actual

                   extent of  the  oil spill.  Yellow  and red dots  indicate  boinbaided sites. On  the  top  le.fthand corner is  a  blow
                   tip of  Beiiqtt.

             populations,     tlieir    retiun  nal    autliorities.     Field  At   tliis   resotution    (1  meter)  violations     of    luunan
             process,   tlie   presence   of  verification    by   '[JNOSAT  building     features    become  i'iglits.
             large    amormts     of    un  staff     sliowed     a   very  clearly   identifiable.
             exploded     ordnance,    tlie  strong    correlation    witli            FRANCESCO   PISANO,
             state   of  roads   and   agricul-  results     inferred     from  {JNOSAT    was   able   to  esti-  UNITAR/T)NOSAT
             tural    sites,    damaged  satellite    imageiy.  mate   tlie   munber   of   buil-

             )uildings    and  a large   oil                dings   affected    by   bom-
             slick.                   Providing    information  bardn'ients     and    identify
                                      for   human    rights  various     degrees     of
             In   similar    sihiations    maps  protection  structural     damage.    Using
             combining    diverse   layers                  before-after    analysis,   ima-
             of   data   are   riseful     in  In  tlie   case   of   Lebanon  ges   of   tlie  same   area  are
             assessing    tlie   actual   situa-  UNOSAT    produced    also  compared    to  infer   detailed
             tion   of   areas   and   towns  detailed     damage  information.
             affected   by  tlie   conflict,  assessment    maps   derived
             wliicli    is   an   invaluable  from   veiy   liigli   resolution  Tliis   infoi'ination    is  useful
             asset    wlien     designing  satellite     imagery     and  m  various    contexts    rangmg
             recovery    strategies    in   col-  groriped    in   atlases   for  from    slielter,    recovei'y    of
             laboration    witli   tlie   natio-  easier   reference    and  rise.  rirbai'i   settlements    and   even

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