Page 7 - DIVA_4_2006_No.27
P. 7

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              Southei'n    Ocean   surround-  Geneva,    then   Cambridge  what   are  the   reasons   beliind  wliat   were    tlieir   intentions
             ing   Antarctic    continent.  and    recently     in  them-not     only    natural  and   propositions    for   paitici-
                                      Longyearbyen,    Svalbard.  ones   but   also   anthropogenic  pating    in   tliis   important
             Recently,    we   realized    tliat              ones?    The   tliird    point    is  event.
             we   would    soon   reacli   tlie  Q:  So  what   are   you   plan-  wliat   impact   tliese   changes
             fiftieth    anniversary    of  tlie  ning   to  do  during    for   this  may   have   on  the   rest   of   tlie  The   response    was   over-
             International    Geophysical  Polar   Year?      globe.   The   fourtl'i    point   is  wlielming.     We    received
             Year.   Two   initiating    organi-             related    to   scientific    fron-  more   tl'ian  1,200   proposals,
             zations,     namely     the  We   staited    to   think    aborit  tiers.   For   instance,   recently,  whicli    presented    the   Joint
             International    Council    for  what   is   going   on   in   the  scientists    discovered     some  Committee    witli     a  liuge
             Science   (ICSU)    and   WA/IO,  Arctic    as  well    as  in   the  sub-glacial     lakes    in    tlie  task.
             decided     to   celebrate    tliis  Antarctic.     There   are   some  Antarctic     and    that's     an
             anniversaiy     and   started    to  drastic     changes     taking  interesting     phenomenon  We    divided    these   1,200
             tliink   about   how   this   shorild  place,    such    as    climate  that   we   did   not   la'iow   much  ideas   into   three   grorips
             be  done.   The   series   of  plan-  cliange   affecting    living    con-  about.   Tlie   next   point   is  why  firstly,   cluster   projects   that
             ning   grorip    meetings    were  ditions   for   tlie   local   people.  do  we  not   use  tlie   position  were   large   enorigh   to  absorb
             l'ield,   and  finally    WMO    and  And   tlie   ecological    systems  of   the  poles    as    a   vantage  other   projects;     secondly,
             ICSU    established     a  Joint  too,   lilce  wliite   polar   bears  points,   and   tlien,   of   course,  projects    tliat   were   not  big
             Coini'nittee    for   Intei'national  suffering    from   the  fact   tliat  we   worild   like   to  rise   tliis   for  enorigh    to   be    independent
             Polar   Year   2007-2008    (IPY)  tlie   sea-ice     coverage    is  some   scientific    researcli.  and   tlierefore    liad   to   be
             to   start   IPY    preparation.  slirinking.    We   liave   to  make  Finally,    the   sixth    point    is  associated    witli   one  of   tlie
             Tlie    Committee     consist   of  a   more   exact   evaluation    of  examining    tlie   social    fac-  cluster   projects;    and,   lastly,
             selected   fourteen    prominent  tlie   sihiation.  tors,   sucb   as  tlie   living   con-  ones   that   were   not   accept-
             scientists    from   different    dis-          ditions    of   tlie   indigenoris  able.
             ciplines    and   five   representa-  We   decided    to  examine    sev-  people,     liow    climate
             tives    from    iiiternational  eral  topics   or  themes.    We  changes    affect   them,    what  Finally,   by  end  of   January
             organizations     under     co-  liaye   to   look    at   what    is  tlieir   contribution    to  global  2006,    IPY    International
             chairmansliip     of   Dr   Ian  going     on    in    tlie    Polar  cultural    diversity    and   so  on.  Prograinine    Office    located
             Allison    (Australia)     and  Dr  Regions   riglit   now-tliat's       in  Cambridge    liad   received
             Michel    Beland    (Canada).  tlie   first    point.    Secondly,  WMO   and   ICSU   then   con-  more   tlian   450   project   pro-
             We  met   evei'y   six  montlis,  what   are  the  clianges   at  the  tacted   all   tlieir    Member-  posals     based    on    tliese
             starting     in    Paris,    tlien  poles   we  can  identify     and  countries    and   asked    tlien'i  expressions    of   intent.    You

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