Page 113 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 113

Bringing the Concept to Life

               particular on scope, verification, entry into force, compliance, and the
               Organization entrusted with implementing the provisions of the treaty, the two
               Working Groups were established.  Working Group 1  on Verification was
               chaired by Ambassador Wolfgang Hoffman of Germany. Working Group 2 on
               Legal and Institutional Issues was chaired by Ludwik Dembinski of Poland. In
               addition, six Friends of the Chair were appointed to deal with the following
               specific issues: for Working Group 1, seismic techniques; non-seismic issues;
               on-site activities; and transparency  measures; and for Working Group 2,
               organization; and entry into force of the treaty.

                  Working Group 1 discussed the possible content of а verification regime
               and collected text elements for а "rolling text", or compilation of draft treaty
               articles. Members and non-members of the Conference submitted numerous
               documents and working papers , most  of which dealt with the issues of
               verification. Under the Friends of the  Chair, experts made а considerable
               number of presentations on the technical aspects of the different measures of
               verification of а nuclear test ban treaty in order to assist delegations in
               identifying the possible elements of а verification regime and to prepare the
               ground for the necessary political decisions. Experts also provided delegations
               with alternative options for decisions on details of an international monitoring
               system and other verification measures, with the objective of helping the Ad
               Нос Committee to elaborate treaty language.

                  The Working Group presented to the Ad Нос Committee draft language
               on provisions on verification issues for inclusion in the rolling text. Included in
               this rolling text are proposals for seismic monitoring techniques, which the
               Group agreed should be а basic method of verification, as well as such non-
               seismic techniques as  atmospheric radionuclide monitoring, а hydroacoustic
               monitoring of underwater explosions, the establishment of а network of infra-
               sound stations, а global satellite monitoring system , and а ground-based
               electromagnetic pulse (ЕМР) monitoring system. The Conference on Dis-
               armament's Group of Scientific Experts, established in 1976, presented to the

               10  See the United Nations Report of the Conference on Disarmament to the General
               Assembly, Official Records, Forty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 27 (A/49/27) pp 9-
               21 (note by V. Petrovsky).
               11  Report of the Ad Нос Group of Scientific Experts to consider International
               Cooperative Measures to Detect and Identify Seismic Events to the Ad Нос
               Committee on а Nuclear Test Ban on International  Seismic Monitoring and the
               GSETT-3 Experiment (CD/1254) (note by V. Petrovsky).

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