Page 117 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 117
Bringing the Concept to Life
negotiation of an international agreement on the non-use or threat of use of
nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon States, which would have а posi-
tive impact on the comprehensive test ban treaty (СТВТ) negotiations and the
NPT Review Conference of 1995. It also called on the five nuclear-weapon
States to negotiate and conclude an international agreement on the non-first-
use of nuclear weapons. The Russian Federation supported the idea of а multi-
lateral, legally binding agreement and reckoned that assurances to be given by
the five nuclear-weapon States should be directly linked to the commitments
undertaken by non-nuclear weapon States within the NPT. The Russian dele-
gation also deemed it important to develop а common formula through
negotiations among the five nuclear Powers as а necessary stage in the elabora-
tion of а multilateral agreement. Such а common formula could be confirmed
by а mandatory resolution of the United Nations Security Council.
In its annual report, the Ad Нос Committee reaffirmed that, pending the
effective elimination of nuclear weapons, non-nuclear-weapon States should be
effectively assured by the nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use
of nuclear weapons. It was felt that the Committee should concentrate on the
question of security assurances related to nuclear weapons, and that an
eventual solution to the issue of Negative Security Assurances might also
involve addressing the problems of positive assurances and build on the
principles contained in UN Security Council Resolution 255 of 1968.
Transparency in Armaments
In 1991, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 46/З6L
establishing the UN Register of Conventional Arms by which Member States
were called upon to provide annually relevant data and information on imports
and exports of arms in seven categories (battle tanks, armoured combat
vehicles, large calibre artillery systems, combat aircraft, attack helicopters,
warships, and missiles and missiles launchers). States were also invited to
provide information on their national holdings, procurement through national
production and relevant policies. Technical procedures for the Register and
modalities for its further expansion were subsequently developed by а Panel of
Governmental Technical Experts and endorsed by the General Assembly in its
resolution 47/52L of 1992. The Register came into effect as of January 1992.
Resolution 46/З6L also requested the Conference on Disarmament to ad-
dress the question of the interrelated aspects of the excessive and destabilizing
accumulation of arms and to elaborate universal and non-discriminatory prac-