Page 120 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 120

100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International

          Peaceful Uses of Outer Space was set up by the United Nations General
          Assembly in 1959. The desire of the international community to prevent an
          arms race in outer space was expressed in the 1978 Final Document of the First
          Special Session of Disarmament which stated that in  order to achieve that
          objective, further measures should be taken and appropriate negotiations held
          in accordance with the spirit of the 1967 outer Space Treaty. In 1981 this item
          was included for the first time in the agenda of the 36th session of the General
          Assembly. А resolution adopted that year requested the then Committee on
          Disarmament  to start negotiations on the text of а treaty submitted  by the
          USSR on the prohibition of the stationing of weapons  of any kind in outer
          space. The Assembly also requested the Committee to give priority attention
          to the negotiation of an effective and verifiable agreement aimed at preventing
          an arms race in outer space and to the negotiation of an effective and verifiable
          agreement prohibiting anti-satellite systems.

              Since 1982, the item on the prevention of an arms race in outer space has
          been on the agenda of the Conference  on Disarmament. The non-aligned
          Group, the then socialist States and China have repeatedly called for initiating
          negotiations, in а subsidiary body, with а view to concluding an agreement for
          the prevention of an arms race in outer space, including the questions of space-
          based weapons and anti-satellite systems.

              The Conference on Disarmament has  been pursuing the issue over  the
          years without а negotiating mandate.  The Committee has accumulated an
          impressive number of proposals and ideas aimed at filling in the gaps in the
          existing legal  regime. In the last few years the Committee's attention was
          concentrated  mainly on the elaboration of confidence-building measures
          (CBMs) and transparency in space activities. In the view of many delegations,
          the area of CBMs represents one of the cornerstones  of space stability and
          security. These proposals formed the basis of а Report of the Secretary-General
          on CBMs. The proposals generally fall into а number of categories, including
          (а) those intended to increase the transparency of space operations generally;
          (b) those intended specifically to increase the range of information concerning
          satellites in orbit; (с) those that would establish rules of behaviour governing
          space operations; and (d) those that pertain to the  international transfer of
          rocket technology.
              Many delegations view the  elaboration of CBMs and the drafting of an
          agreement on this issue as an important intermediate step on the way to а
          global prohibition of the militarization of outer space.  The deliberations of
          1993 were productive in this respect,  and there was an impression  that the
          Committee was ready to change its mandate to а negotiating one specifically to

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