Page 124 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 124

100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International

          communities, non-governmental organizations and academic groups are com-
          ing forward with constructive ideas and proposals. Most significantly, Geneva
          has planned а series of events that will not only sensitize public opinion but will
          also mobilize it.

              5. Working hand-in-hand with the United Nations, Geneva has developed
          а series of activities that will put а new face on the United Nations. For exam-
          ple, the Institute of International Affairs is planning а number of brainstorming
          sessions on the challenging problems of the world. I am glad to inform you that
          the  opening  statement  will  be  made  on  July  3  by  the  Secretary-General,
          Dr.   Boutros Boutгos-Ghali. Another project which will be undertaken is the
          "Dia-logues for Реасе" art  exhibition  which  is  not just  another  art  event.  It
          shows, through the eyes of contemporary artists, the picture of the world in all
          its multiplicity. One more example is the "Musicians for World Реасе" concert
          which will  assemble  а  unique  company  of  musicians  under  the  direction
          of  the woгld­famous Sir Georg Solti.

              I attach also particular importance to the youth programme which will
          include а meeting of the Youth Forum at the Palais des Nations at the end of
          June - beginning of July 1995. Some 300 young people will participate, taking
          messages back to their countries on the role of the United Nations in the

              The  proposals  and  ideas  which  will  be  implemented  during  the
          50th  Anniversary  commemoration  in  Geneva  are  very  much  diversified,
          starting  from  exhibitions  and  concerts  to  refurbishing  the  rooms  at  the
          Palais  des  Nations,  as  it  was  suggested  by  Slovenia,  Latvia,  the
          Czech Republic,  Slovakia,  etc.  But  the  common  denominator  of  all
          these activities  is  to  educate  the  people  and  provide  the  support  of  the
          United Nations.

              Of course, not all the ideas are included in the official programmes but
          I  understand  that  there  will  be  enough  room,  both  at  the  Palais  and  in
          the  city,  for  parallel  activities,  suggested  by  Governments  and
          non­governmental organizations.

              Last but not least, we are planning the final accord of the commemoration
          for April 1996, the 50th Anniversary of the last plenary session of the League of
          Nations which provided for the smooth transition of its infrastructure in
          Geneva to the United Nations. This will allow the accommodation of а number
          of proposals not included in the 1995 plan.

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