Page 129 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 129
Bringing the Concept to Life
"Dialogues for Реасе" art exhibition; not "just another art event", it will show,
through the eyes of contemporary artists, а picture of the world in аll its
multiplicity. The "Musicians for World Реасе" concert will assemble а unique
company of musicians under the direction of the world-famous conductor, Sir
Georg Solti.
А "Youth Forum" at the Palais des Nations beginning at the end of June
1995, will involve some 300 young people, taking messages back to their
countries on the role of the United Nations in the future.
Furthermore, the United Nations Office in Geneva will open its doors to
the public. On 15 of October 1995 we are planning as а special event: an Open
House to promote the observation of the United Nations Day. This is symbolic
as well. because it will provide the people with а first-hand view of United
Nations activities, in а historical perspective.
Last but not least, а commemoration for April 1996, the 50th Anniversary
of the last plenary session of the League of Nations which provided for the
smooth transition of its infrastructure in Geneva to the United Nations. Тhis
will allow the accommodation of а number of proposals not included in the
1995 plan.
Thus, the proposals and ideas to be implemented during the 50th
Anniversary commemoration in Geneva are very much diversified with а
common denominator to educate the people and provide support of the
United Nations. Of course, not all the ideas are included in the official
programmes but there will be enough room, both at the Palais des Nations and
in the city of Geneva, for parallel activities, suggested by Governments and
non-governmental organizations.
"We the Peoples of the United Nations… United for а Better World"
Finally, I would like to return to the subject of public opinion. I think that
public opinion, especially as it relates to international relations, is often difficult
to mobilize. However, in an age of increasing economic interdependence, high-
speed travel, and global communications, the world is becoming an increasing-
ly borderless place. Therefore, the theme of the 50th Anniversary "We the
Peoples of the United Nations... United for а Better World" gains in relevance, for
no country can completely isolate itself from what happens elsewhere. As the
Swiss novelist and playwright Friedrich Dürrenmatt said in Тhе Physicist