Page 132 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 132

100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International

          well as of knowledge and  expertise. А great statesman of this century, Sir
          Winston Churchill, who contributed much to the creation of the United
          Nations, said: "The United Nations was set up not to get us to heaven, but to
          save us from  hell". This is exactly what the UN is doing today. The UN
          conducts numerous  and diversified activities all over the world. It  launches
          peace­keeping operations,  protects human and minority rights, provides
          technical assistance to developing countries, delivers humanitarian aid,
          conducts environmental programmes, services numerous international
          conferences, etc. These activities have concrete effects оn our daily lives,
          helping in preventing of violence in the conflicts; fighting AIDS, drug abuse
          and child slavery; promoting equal rights for all people irrespective of race,
          nationality or gender, or protecting the family or the poorest.

              3. Within this internationa1 structure, Geneva has its own handwriting.
          Whilst New York is the major decision-making centre, Geneva is the major
          operational headquarters.  Up to 65 per cent of  all the activities of the
          Organization are conducted from Geneva, many of the operations extending to
          all regions of the world.

              4. Geneva hosts six UN specialized agencies - the World Health Organiza-
          tion, International Telecommunications Union, the  International Labour
          Organization, World Meteorological Organization, World Intellectual Proper-
          ty Organization and the GAТТ. А number of other programmes are also based
          in this city. Among them there are,  for example, UNCTAD, the Economic
          Commission for Europe, the Centre for Human Rights - the UN's main body
          for the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms;
          and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees which was twice
          awarded the Nobel Реасе Prize. The UNHCR provides assistance and protec-
          tion to refugees all over the world, from Bosnia and Somalia to Georgia, Indo-
          China and Latin America. This represents а tremendous concentration of
          knowledge and expertise. Here in Geneva, we have specialists in all the major
          fields of human endeavours - economic and social development, business and
          labour relations, health, telecommunications, to name but а few.

              5. Every year the Palais des Nations hosts more than 4,000 meetings on
          different subjects and the number  of  visiting delegates attending these
          meetings is roughly 120,000 а year. Some important international negotiations
          such as the Conference on the Former Yugoslavia and the talks on Georgia-
          Abkhazia conflict are also conducted in Geneva.

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