Page 128 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 128
100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International
The 50th Anniversary provides us with an opportunity to increase
UNOG's contribution to the goals of реасе, development and democratization.
Our goal is to preserve and enrich this legacy. I am, therefore, very grateful for
the support of the Swiss Confederation, the Republic and Canton of Geneva,
and the City of Geneva. The fact that Mr. François Nordmann, Ambassador,
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland; Мr. Claude Haegi,
President of the State Council of the Republic and Canton of Geneva; and
Mr. Dominique Föllmi, President of the Geneva Committee for the 50th
Anniversary of the United Nations; accompanied me at а recent press
conference to announce the commemorative activities planned to take place
in Geneva in 1995, illustrates the close cooperation we enjoy.
Together with the Republic and Canton of Geneva, the 50th Anniversary
of the United Nations will be not only an event to commemorate the United
Nations, but also an occasion to celebrate Geneva as the symbol of multilateral-
ism and its "spirit of openness”.
Like the other major international capitals, Geneva will host next year а
number of major conferences. These will include the Economic and Social
Council (ECOSOC) meetings in July, which the Secretary-General will attend.
We expect that all these meetings will mark the 50th Anniversary not only by
words of support for the United Nations. But by practical deeds that will
strengthen multilateralism as а major approach in dealing with international
issues. The United Nations is also very pleased to see that, not only Member
States, but international organizations and specialized agencies, local commu-
nities, non-governmental organizations and academic groups are coming
forward with constructive ideas and proposals. Most significantly, Geneva has
planned а series of events that will not only sensitize public opinion but will
also mobilize it.
Events in 1995
Working hand-in-hand, the United Nations and Geneva have developed а
series of activities designed to put а new face on the United Nations. For
example, the Institute of International Affairs is planning а number of
brainstorming sessions on challenges facing the world. Another project is the
12 Statement of Mr. Petrovsky at the press conference is provided in the previous