Page 121 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 121
Bringing the Concept to Life
address CBMs. However, some members of the committee prefer formulating
an effective legal instrument banning all space weapons and preventing an arms
race in outer space. In their view, CBMs on their own could not eliminate the
danger of weapons in outer space. Some Western delegations believe that the
Ad Нос Committee still has not yet identified any aspect of space activities
which would lend itself to negotiations. Since the Committee, as well as the
Conference, operates on the principle of consensus, the mandate therefore
remains unchanged.
The end of the Cold War has created new opportunities and posed new
challenges. This has resulted in major political changes and а new security
environment. The Conference on Disarmament is in the process of responding
to this new situation and this is reflected in the ongoing process of the review of
its agenda and its membership.