Page 114 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 114
100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International
Ad Нос Committee а report containing detailed preparations for its third
technical test (GSETT-3) of an international seismic monitoring system. The
rolling text also includes provisions for on-site inspections, consultation and
clarification arrangements, transparency measures, and national or multina-
tional means of verification.
Working Group 2 discussed the possible content of legal and institutional
aspects of а nuclear test ban treaty. It dealt with the most contentious issue in
the negotiations, scope, or basic obligations of the treaty. Most States
expressed the desire for а general prohibition of all nuclear explosions in all
environments. А few States wished to include а provision for the exception of
explosions which may be authorized in exceptional circumstances (presumably
safety tests). А few States wished to include in the treaty а provision on the
prohibition of preparations for nuclear testing. However, many States opposed
this proposal as being too costly to verify. One delegation proposed including
separate articles оn peaceful nuclear explosions and security assurances (that
the nuclear-weapon States would undertake not to be the first to use nuclear
weapons against each other and not to use nuclear weapons against other, non-
nuclear States); these proposals were opposed by а number of delegations.
Working Group 2 was able to reach agreed, or nearly agreed, language on
articles on Measures to Redress а Situation and Ensure Compliance, including
Sanctions; Settlement of Disputes; Privileges and Immunities; Signature; Rati-
fication; Accession; Depositary; Status of Protocol(s) and Annex(es); and
Authentic Texts. In addition, the Friends of the Chair on Entry into Force of
the Treaty developed draft treaty language on six options. These options range
from entry into force upon ratification by а given number of States (e.g. 40), or
bу all those who participated in the negotiations, to ratification by those States
possessing nuclear power or nuclear research reactors. The Friend of the Chair
on Organization developed draft treaty language on а provision on Organiza-
tion and the relevant Protocol as а basis for further negotiation.
Work on the treaty will continue during the period 28 November to 16
December, and possibly 9 to 20 January 1995. The Committee recommended
that it be re-established at the outset of the 1995 session of the Conference on
Disarmament with its present mandate. The development of а rolling text was
seen by most delegations as significant development towards а comprehen-
sive nuclear test ban, even if parts of the text are heavily bracketed. The
Chairman of the Ad Нос Committee, Ambassador Miguel Marin-Bosch, called
it а "minor miracle" to have the first rolling text of а СТВТ, given the wide dif-
ferences of view on the shape of the final treaty.