Page 229 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 229
Bringing the Concept to Life
We are approaching the end of a century which has been described as the
most bloody and hateful in history. We cannot escape a duty to move beyond
this to a greater and more human vision. Painfully, and with difficulty, the
realization is dawning that for millions of individuals across the world, in every
country and of every background, the United Nations is more than an
instrument of peace and cooperation among Nations; it is the repository of
hope for humanity.
It is still not too late to renew the United Nations for a new international
era. We must, each and every one of us, work together to provide an agenda of
hope as the new century approaches. The United Nations belongs to you!
Without strong public support, the tasks lying ahead of us will be impossible to
accomplish. We rely on you!
Thank you.