Page 232 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 232

100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International

          transition to improve balance sheets and to bring them closer to international
          standards, as  well as recommendations on the reporting of transnational
          corporations operating in foreign territory. The United Nations Institute for
          Training and Research has recently developed a training course on "Regulation
          of Finance and Credit: Legal Aspects", which is currently being translated into

              7. In the context of globalization of economic processes, the development
          of international standards plays an increasingly important role. This topic is
          examined by many organizations of the UN system, and the relevant work is of
          great importance. By way of example, the fact that the international telephone
          and telegraph network functions as a unit, or that States can exchange radio
          and television programmes, is a direct result of the standardization efforts
          undertaken by ITU.

              8. In the field of finance, a  significant contribution to  the international
          standardization is made by the ECE which has been  developing under its
          auspices the UN/EDIFACT - a set of rules for electronic data interchanges,
          including the transfer of funds, in trade and transport. Currently, this standard
          is adopted in more than 30 countries around the world.

              9. Coordination of national activities is perhaps the most labour-intensive
          area of the UN activities. At the same time, it gives a real and very significant
          return. The most striking example in this  area is the activities of the  World
          Health Organization. This institution organizes and coordinates the efforts of
          States in all critical areas of health, including the development and testing of
          vaccines and  other medicines, and  also  assists in the distribution of new

              10. Today, WHO, together with UNICEF, provides vaccines to more than
          100 countries. In 1980, thanks to the efforts of WHO, such a terrible disease as
          smallpox, which in the past claimed millions of lives, was utterly obliterated. By
          the year 2000, a system will have been completed whereby there will be no new
          cases  of leprosy worldwide. WHO is now setting itself the goal of  totally
          eradicating diphtheria and polio, the two leading causes of death  among
          children, and is stepping up efforts to combat the AIDS pandemic.

              11. Much of the UN technical assistance is provided through the United
          Nations Development Programme, the organization holding a major part of
          the UN financial resources. In recent years, the share of UNDP funds allocated

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