Page 237 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 237

Bringing the Concept to Life

                  •   in the area of trade and development, the United Nations Centre on
                      Science and Technology for Development, as well as the Centre on
                      Transnational Corporations, were  recently incorporated into the
                      United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD);
                  •   the United Nations Office  for Project Services, which  implements
                      technical assistance projects for Member  States and for other UN
                      entities, is opening an office in Geneva next month.

                  The global financial crisis the Organization is facing, coupled with the very
               sizeable budgetary reductions requested by the General Assembly, has led us to
               devise a number of measures leading to increased efficiency in the administra-
               tive and conference service areas, with a view to avoiding duplications and to
               streamlining our services.

                  These are but a few examples of an  overall efficiency exercise currently
               taking place at UNOG:

                  •   we have merged a number of units;
                  •   we are in the process of  streamlining distribution of documents and
                      man both from the conference and general service areas;
                  •   we are enhancing our use of technological innovations notably in the

                      security area  with video surveillance and in  the conference field with
                      teleconferencing to compensate for the reduction in personnel due to
                      budget cuts;
                  •   we are  going to limit free usage of  telephones by staff for local calls
                      with a view to reducing our costs;
                  •   we are also looking at the possibility of outsourcing some of our tasks
                      which may be accomplished in a more efficient and economical
                      manner by outside connectors.

                  I wish to take this opportunity to thank the Member States that accepted
               our suggestion to renovate  existing rooms or install their own new national
               room at the Palais. In the past two years, five rooms have been renovated in this
               manner, which has saved the Organization about one million dollars.

                  The substantial budgetary reductions requested by the General Assembly
               will, per force, have an impact on staff as we will have no choice but to freeze or
               abolish some 200 posts in Geneva over the 1996-1997 biennium. This will be

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