Page 245 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 245
Bringing the Concept to Life
together with the surrounding property in which it is situated attest to
humankind's aspirations for a better world. While the League of Nations did
not manage to achieve all of its goals, it did succeed in establishing many of the
structures, tools, and expertise that we too often take for granted today. The
pursuit of peace, prosperity and social harmony and justice - the raison d'être of
the United Nations and its predecessor - represent universal aspirations. The
demise of the League of Nations represented the end of an era, but the goals of
the League live on. This Assembly Hall is testament to this fact.
In 1962, when the Assembly Hall was last renovated there were 110
Member States. Today there are 185. Your efforts will ensure that the United
Nations is able to meet their growing demands today and for the next 50 years.
For multilateralism will continue to become an ever greater force by which to
achieve our common objectives.
On behalf of the Organization, I wish to thank the men and women who
made this possible: in particular, the two principal firms that undertook the
study and implementation of the renovation, Oger International and Cöhner
Merkur; and Mr. Mohammed Sebti, the Chief of General Services at the
United Nations Office at Geneva and his able staff. You should take pride in a
job well done.