Page 259 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 259
Bringing the Concept to Life
assistance, and are making noticeable progress. These undertakings clearly
show that the UN is capable of adapting its peace operations to constantly
changing realities and demands. The cost of being forced to scale down or
close missions that are working because of financial considerations, is much
greater that the relatively modest dues Member States are obligated to pay.
Fewer than two-fifths of ae Organization's members have fully paid what they
owe. This cannot continue.
The United Nations is operating at a time of great financial uncertainty.
There is a real possibility that the Organization might go bankrupt by the end
of this year. Member States keep asking us to do more, but they forget to pay. It
is very hard to tell refugees seeking food and shelter, or children in need of
medical treatment, that they'll have to wait for help until Member States pay
their dues -which are currently in arrears of more than US$ 2.5 billion.
* * *
The immediate financial concerns as well as rapidly and fundamentally
changing realities of our planet have hastened new thinking into how, and with
who we, as an Organization deliver on the many demands that we face
every day. Finding solutions to the challenges we are facing are not just
beyond the scope of any single nation, the UN itself cannot hope to be
successful without the combined efforts of a multiplicity of actors. The
business community - be it at the international, national or local level - has a
strong stake in ensuring a stable, peaceful and prosperous world.
If we are to meet the numerous obstacles in our midst and overcome them,
it will take the commitment of people such as yourselves to work with us to
pave the way for a secure and prosperous future for humankind. Expecting
someone else to take the lead is a sure recipe for failure.
But it is no longer enough to benefit; you have to contribute as well. And
this is what I should like to impress upon each and every one of you as you start
your new lives as productive members of society. Some of you will become
business leaders, all of you will play some part - big or small - in the way our
collective future is shaped. It is a heavy responsibility, and it will get heavier as
our global society grows in complexity. Just remember that you are not alone.
Your future and that of the person next to you - and the next - and so on -
will depend on how well we all improve on our collaborative rejection and action.